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Quality Assurance Process - QA Platform 4.0

Use our innovative quality assurance devices and quality management software to eliminate the risk of high rework costs, to ensure the delivery of high quality products to your customers.

Smart Connected Solution for the complete Quality Assurance Process

Discover how to reduce tightening defects, increase uptime, save costs and improve quality during Quality Assurance Process. With the new Atlas Copco QA Platform 4.0 you meet the smart connected solution for the complete Quality Assurance process. Our Quality Assurance Devices provide flexible, interconnected, innovative solutions to support competitive, modern manufacturing. QA Platform 4.0 is the flexible solution for all your Quality Assurance applications.

Make sure you are improving quality control and quality assurance along the line, by checking the links below:

↦ Prevent human errors during testing process  

↦ Prevent defects in the assembly line 

↦ Generate value from relevant data during your quality inspections 

↦ Save time when making non-torque checks 

↦ Deliver the highest test reliability and automate the process 

↦ Increase uptime in Quality Assurance Process

Avoid data manipulation

Minimize the effect of human influence by reducing manual effort

Reduce the need of operator training

Prevent human errors during testing process

With an advanced joint simulation from trace and multistep management you achieve a reliable high quality fastening. Discover how to increase your speed and become 66% faster thanks to our solution. The operator is fully guided in the complete test process. Higher ease of use with the full operator guidance for visual checks.

Minimize the effect of human influence and errors investing in technology that supports your operators in the Quality Assurance process. With smart connected tools, you can measure your results with accuracy and efficiency. Then, you need to collect and take care of the data reported. Here is where the handheld devices STpad and STpalm make a difference. STpad and STpalm guide the operator also for those checks that don’t require numerical measurement, such as defects collection and go-no go test. QA Supervisor supports you in the standardization of the visual checks optimizing the route according to the layout of your factory. The advanced guidance reduces the need of operator trainings, eliminating the effort of manual inputs and human error.

Discover more about our related Quality Assurance Devices:


QA Supervisor              |               STbench          |               STpad             |           STRwrench               |               STa 6000              |               IRC-Connect              |                Transducers

quality assurance process factory network bench test automotive

Prevent defects and reduce failures

Keep track of any changes for easy audits

Route cause analysis for Quality Assurance process

Prevent defects in the assembly line

Analyze data promptly, deeply and efficiently. Quality Assurance process Digitalization. Monitor and define every single step of the plant structure through Quality Assurance Process Digitalization.

The key factor to reduce the failures is to plan and perform a structured Quality Assurance Scheduling and analyze data promptly, deeply and efficiently. Thanks to an advanced Quality Assurance Software as QA Supervisor, you can track route causes, monitor and define every single step of the plant structure. Managing and collecting data from any quality inspections becomes easy. With QA Supervisor you keep track of every change in the line setup. Save a big amount of time and reduce your costs, making any audit quick and effective. Turn your results into valuable data and cover all the aspects of your Quality Assurance Applications.

Discover more about our related Quality Assurance Devices:


QA Supervisor              |               STbench          |               STpad             |           STRwrench               |               STa 6000              |               IRC-Connect              |                Transducers


Quality Data Digitalization

Track and compare Data

Improve the process through trend reports

Generate value from relevant data during quality inspections

Reach the highest flexibility for residual torque checks. Become more competitive and efficient generating value from your data. Improve your process through Data.

Plan, program and perform your quality inspections wherever you are, accessing data in real time, checking results from any device with web browser. Now you can take care of everything you need, due to the close synergy between STpad or STpalm and STRwrench. Communicate with other departments and teams, share data and monitor real time line status. Collect real time feedback and results from the production line. Analyze, track and compare data through statistics and trend reports improving your process. Address specific tasks, define factory layout, including building, lines, stations and joints thanks to the unique synchronization with the Quality Assurance software QA Supervisor.

Discover more about our related Quality Assurance Devices:


QA Supervisor              |               STbench          |               STpad             |           STRwrench               |               STa 6000              |               IRC-Connect              |                Transducers


generate value from data, data digitalization, quality assurance data management

Fast data transfer

Resume the job from the point you left

Set up any measurement criteria needed

Save time when making non-torque checks

Avoid spending time doing operations or filling data that are not needed for the check to be performed. Manage and store data straight into the system through one single device. 

Non-torque checks can be crucial information when working with Quality Assurance Tools over the whole production line. Whereas torque is reported automatically into the system, measurements like length and pressure need to be reported manually to complete the big picture. Thanks to QA Platform 4.0 and its easy to use interface, the operator can record and store data straight into the system, by using one single device. Easy route causes track and identification. With QA Platform 4.0 you can manage, set up and edit measurement criteria you need, independently from what you are checking, during Quality Assurance process.

Discover more about our related Quality Assurance Devices:


QA Supervisor              |               STbench          |               STpad             |           STRwrench               |               STa 6000              |               IRC-Connect              |                Transducers


ST Pad, Quality Assurance process, non-torque applications, non-torque checks

Keep user safe during measurement process

Reduce manual effort through Automation

Save time performing Simultaneous Operations

Deliver the highest test reliability through process automation

Deliver the highest test reliability and operator independence in latest assembly technology such as robot and automated spindles.

Your automated stations can be tested while the user can focus on other projects priorities, working in a safe environment. You can deliver the highest test reliability and operator independence in latest assembly technology such as robot and automated spindles, thanks to IRC-Connect Smart transducer. With STpad or STpalm you have real time control over tightening results assuring high quality performance. Easy access to everything you need thanks to the portability of the STpad and the non-dependency of connectivity from IRC-Connect. IRC-Connect transforms your transducer into a smart wireless transducer. Data are safely stored, and the test is reliable in all working conditions.

Discover more about our related Quality Assurance Devices:


QA Supervisor              |               STbench          |               STpad             |           STRwrench               |               STa 6000              |               IRC-Connect              |                Transducers


highest test reliability, quality assurance process automation, quality software management

Increase flexibility

Perform simultaneous operations

Quick and easy traceability

Increase uptime in Quality Assurance Process

Increase uptime in quality, by performing all the checks in the line with one single device while covering all Quality Applications.

Use a single device for any type of quality checks in the line: Tool check, joint check, visual check and dimensional check. STpad is the core device in QA Platform 4.0 and can be used either with IRC-Connect, STRwrench or with STbench, seamlessly, moving from one to another. You can visualize and receive real time results feedback and data thanks to the unique interaction between STpad and QA Supervisor software. It can even work in stand-alone mode. With 2D barcode reader and camera integrated, it keeps full traceability data that can be transferred and safely stored in a database.

Discover more about our related Quality Assurance Devices:


QA Supervisor              |               STbench          |               STpad             |           STRwrench               |               STa 6000              |               IRC-Connect              |                Transducers


Quality assurance devices, increase uptime, quality assurance process management, STpad, STpalm
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Quality assurance in the assembly line, QA, QA supervisor software
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Quality Assurance Process - QA Platform 4.0

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