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Optimization of the compressed air supply with AIRScan

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

In this article you will find out how you can have your compressed air supply checked by experts and receive reliable analysis and well-founded recommendations for improving energy efficiency and increasing operational safety. This optimizes your compressed air supply and lowers your costs.

AIRScan audit

There is a lot of money in every compressed air supply: the investment costs for the compressor station and its peripheral devices, for installation and piping and, ultimately, the running costs for energy, maintenance and repair, depreciation, etc. It is often said: the system runs without problems, everything is Perfect.

But is that really it? Do all the components still work as perfectly as they did at the beginning, despite all the routine maintenance? Perhaps an assessment of the complex system of a compressed air system makes perfect sense. AIRScan tests provide expert diagnosis as well as recommendations for measurable improvements.

Use the optimization possibilities of your compressed air system

AIRScan is a comprehensive test of your compressed air system, including the areas of energy supply, compressed air demand, system pressure, air quality, pressure drops, etc. over a relevant period of time. Carried out by qualified energy specialists, AIRScan offers reliable analyzes and well-founded recommendations for improving energy efficiency and increasing operational safety.

What happens if I don't have my compressed air supply checked regularly?

You are missing out on your chance to significantly reduce your energy consumption. Typically, an AIRScan identifies clear options for action that can lead to energy savings of 25-30%. 

What are the risks if someone without special qualifications checks my compressed air system?

Testing and evaluating a complex compressed air supply requires expert knowledge. Only specially trained technicians have the know-how which components offer which optimization potential. Without this qualification, there is a risk of incorrect analyzes and incorrect recommendations. Our energy consultants provide independent advice tailored to your case on the basis of current knowledge and innovations in compressed air technology.

How is the quality of the AIRScan test for my compressed air system ensured?

AIRScan complies with the ISO 11011 standard for assessing the energy efficiency of compressed air. This ensures that your system is assessed on the basis of a clearly defined framework. By the way, the AIRScan test, if you have an energy management system such as B. DIN EN ISO 50001 have or aim to serve as a benchmark.

Do I always need a complete compressed air test with AIRScan?

Not necessarily. The result of our preliminary assessment shows whether an AIRScan test makes sense at all and what should be checked in detail. You make the decision about the scope of the AIRScan. Examples:

Volume flow, pressure, power consumption, leakages, air quality (ISO 8573, EN 12021) and maintenance recommendations.

A compressed air protocol that helps to reduce costs and protect the environment

An AIRScan log provides a clear overview as well as a detailed assessment of the problems and solutions for your technical team. Our audit software can simulate different configurations of your compressed air system. This allows us to create realistic projections of possible energy savings as well as environmental and financial benefits.

Optimization of the compressed air supply with AIRScan

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