Torque arms & tool positioning
Give your operators an extra arm!
Torque Arms
With a TPS controller you are always sure the operator tighten the joints in the correct sequence and in the correct position.
Give your operators an extra arm!
With a TPS controller you are always sure the operator tighten the joints in the correct sequence and in the correct position.
Operator health is important! If your operators work with hand-held electric or pneumatic tools, the last thing you want is for their health to suffer. However light the tool, when an operator performs repetitive tasks daily, often with incorrect posture, the tool seems to grow heavier by the hour. Add torque reaction from the tightening process, and the result can be hand-arm-shoulder disorders that may lead to injury and even premature retirement. Atlas Copco torque arms are labour-saving extensions of Atlas Copco hand-held tools that ensure accurate tightening, and raise individual productivity in your plant. Available for torques of up to 1000Nm, these ingenious constructions are the perfect way to lighten the load when performing repetitive tasks on lines or benches
At Atlas Copco Industrial Technique we create value for our customers with world-class innovative technologies and solutions for manufacturing. Products built to last, long-term thinking, ergonomics and quality – a responsible company working for a sustainable future.