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Time to calibrate?

Secure your quality and reduce defects through Tool Calibration and Accredited Quality Assurance Calibration.​
power tool calibration, tool testing, metrology, machine capability test


Energy efficient and reliable low torque solutions for the electronics industry. Electric screwdrivers with accuracy, productivity and quality for your production.
Unleash the power of Industry 4.0
Electronics segment robot
Unleash the power of Industry 4.0
Discover our MicroTorque smart solutions
MicroTorque low torque electric screwdriver
Discover our MicroTorque smart solutions
The most advanced and intelligent tightening solution for any low torque application. Smart, connected and efficient controllers and electric screwdrivers.
The most advanced and intelligent tightening solution for any low torque application. Smart, connected and efficient controllers and electric screwdrivers.
The most advanced and intelligent tightening solution for any low torque application. Smart, connected and efficient controllers and electric screwdrivers.


Get full process control, improved quality and an optimized tightening process with our MicroTorque solutions. The compact system reveals and eliminates tightening issues such as floating screws, stripped joints or insufficient torques. Further, it assures detection of process abnormalities, providing invaluable information not only about the fastening itself but about the complete assembling process.


Reduce down time and set up time, assure full traceability and integrate with any system using one of the many communication ports. Get complete access from anywhere and react instantly to any tightening process abnormality. Connect bar code scanner and RFID reader directly with the controller to assure traceability, control operators’ access level and add rejection management. All this, only using our MicroTorque solutions.


It has never been easier to combine productivity with flexibility. Our MicroTorque solutions minimize and eliminates set up time, helps you to reduce cycle time keeping high quality, allows you to customize your strategy for any type of screwed joint and combine multiple strategies for your product, sometimes eliminating the PLC. It is all you need to keep the maximum productivity with maximum flexibility.

Did you know that...

...every third smartphone in the world is assembled with MicroTorque screwdrivers?

... MicroTorque tools assemble everything from sensitive watches to high volume consumer goods with outstanding performance?

... MicroTorque brings precision, process control and traceability to the Medical industry?