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From Atlas Copco Specialty Rental

15 มิถุนายน 2564

Manufacturing Steam

The cluster effect in Germany’s densely developed Ruhr region allows companies like our client to profit from all kinds of synergies. The proximity of the neighboring powerplant, for example, enables the supply of efficient power and steam directly t...

Large Specialty Steam setup

3 พฤษภาคม 2564

Steam Oil & Gas Upstream Oil & Gas Midstream Oil & Gas Downstream Power plants Manufacturing Mining & Drilling

The company develops, rents, and sells customized industrial boiler assemblies tailored for plug and play installation. Eco Steam and Heating Solutions serves European customers, primarily in the general industry, such as food and beverage, chemical,...

Eco Steam and Heating main

30 มีนาคม 2564


Emergency response is part of our DNA at Atlas Copco Rentals. So when our very own Chris Ward was called up to assist with the recent flooding emergency on Australia’s east coast, he didn’t hesitate to join fellow volunteers as part of the comprehens...

2021 03 australia flooding volunteer story

16 มีนาคม 2564

Power Manufacturing

Imagine: a transformer failure results in a total power cut to your manufacturing plant, your back-up generators are simply not built to power your entire operations 24/7, and every minute that goes by costs you tens of thousands of dollars in overhe...

Photo with 2 units of QAS 550

22 กุมภาพันธ์ 2564

Agile asset management

Our prospect, an industrial-scale brewery, had a big decision to make. Option 1: wait 3 years for upgrades to the local electricity grid so its newly completed glass plant could commence operations. Option 2: buy the four 1MW generators it needed to ...

Modular power plant for brewery in expansion graph blog

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