
Increase the versatility of your compressors with PACE technology

PACE – the electronic regulation system that allows you to set the pressure on your mobile compressor.

PACE - Pressure Adjusted through Cognitive Electronics

A compressor with PACE technology allows you to define the pressure while the machine regulates the flow. One machine can handle the job of three fixed-pressure machines.

  • Using your compressor to operate handheld tools? Then set the machine to 7 bar.
  • Tackling a shotcrete application an hour later? Just switch to 12 bar, connect your tool and go.

Setting the pressure takes just three clicks and presets can be saved for fast toggling. The intuitive controller lets you set select any pressure level within the pressure band of the machine, adjustable with increments of 0,1 bar. 

PACE technology takes the versatility of your compressor to the next level. Operating our equipment should be as easy as moving it. An Atlas Copco mobile compressor gives you more freedom to swap job sites and between applications. This freedom will save you valuable time when setting up, improve your return on investment and save on transport costs.


Check this video on how to set the pressure of your portable compressor with the touch of a button

Interested in learning more? Download this free guide about the PACE technology

Easy to use

It only takes 3 clicks to set the pressure thanks to the intuitive user interface. Or just toggle between the presets with just one click. Stop wasting time to change the pressure.

One compressor, multiple applications

Shotcrete applications? Cable blowing? Drilling? Abrasive blasting? In the past, you would have needed three or more machines to get all those jobs done. Now you simply switch pressures and your compressor adapts to the application.

Higher return on investment

Jobs that previously required 3 machines, can now be done with just one. That will save you on investment, set-up and transport costs.