ISO A VDI/VDE2648-2 R productfoto
Atlas Copco lab and on-site calibration services are performed by certified technicians and provide you with certificates following global and national standards. We provide accredited calibration services for tool and quality assurance equipment.


ISO calibration of indirect measuring angle transmitters
• according to VDI/VDE 2648 - page 02 • clockwise rotation Preliminary test for functionality and calibration capability. Calibration to specified target angles according to VDI/VDE 2648 - page 02. The display deviation, repeatability, torque influence, speed influence and the behavior in ratchet operation are determined. A calibration certificate with proof of traceability to the national standard is produced.
All reference standards or references used are traceable to national standards and are subject to our own regular calibration. The independence of the results is ensured and certified by our certification according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 as well as the annual inspection of our laboratories by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS).
Your Benefits
Calibration is a matter of trust. If you have your measuring equipment checked and calibrated by us, you are on the safe side, because our competence and sustainability can be proven.
Professional calibration means
• Compliance with regulations, standards and guidelines • Ensuring high quality requirements • Process-safe production • Avoidance of scrap and rework • Audit security • Verifiability for liability issues
ISO A VDI/VDE2648-2 R productfoto


8990 3000 18


Increased quality
Reduced rework
Minimized risk of liability costs


Calibration certificates acc. to standards
Lab & onsite calibration services
Functional test before calibration
Performed with traceable reference equip.
Adjustments if needed
Calibration due-date reminder
Retrievable certificates in 10 years