The Gas and Process division of Atlas Copco requires additional legal and data disclosures due to local GDPR laws. To view these division-specific policies, please follow these links for more information: Legal Notice - Data Privacy - Cookie Policy
Már nem támogatjuk az Az Ön által használt böngészőt. Kérjük, használja az alábbi támogatott böngészők egyikét oldalunk meglátogatásához
Thousands of Atlas Copco Gas and Process turboexpander units are currently operating at 99% availability. Why risk process downtime with other process technology?
The hallmarks of Atlas Copco expander performance - availability, reliability and efficiency - are engineered in all of our machines. From natural gas and chemical / petrochemical, to pressure letdown, geothermal and waste heat to power, all of our products are engineered to give you the most available, reliable and efficient product on he market.
With over 45 years of design and production experience, we utilize the latest design technologies. By engaging CFD and FEA in our engineering process, we provide our customers machinery that is reliable, efficient and perfectly matched to their process needs.
The Gas and Process division of Atlas Copco requires additional legal and data disclosures due to local GDPR laws. To view these division-specific policies, please follow these links for more information: Legal Notice - Data Privacy - Cookie Policy