ToolCover Protect
ToolCover Protect Air High Tech(PG 2) photo du produit
Les solutions de maintenance ToolCover vous aident à optimiser les performances et à gagner en efficacité dans votre production tout en minimisant vos coûts d'outillage et vos risques de production. Grâce à un ensemble modulaire de produits (Protect, Stability et Uptime), ToolCover est conçu pour répondre à vos besoins spécifiques et à l'utilisation des outils.

Contenu de la livraison

ToolCover Protect builds the basis for maintained and capable tools with extended service life. The offer includes an annual preventive maintenance, a tool test and extended warranty - all at a fixed price per tool and year.Protect your investment and prevent unplanned tool failures.
Scope of Service
• Annual preventive maintenance • Preliminary check for functionality and visual inspection of the device • Inspection of the tool holder • Disassembly of the tool • Cleaning motor, gearbox and filter screen (where required) • Replacement of all intended operating materials • Replacement of wear parts in the maintenance kit according to manufacturer's specifications • Assembly of the tool • Function test after assembly • Creation of a maintenance performance record • Performance of a tool test for shut-off and non-shut-off tools • Preliminary testing for functionality and testability • Setting to 80% of the torque range of the tool • Performance of 25 measurements according to Atlas Copco Global Standard/Service on a mechanical test joint or bench • Preparation of a test report on the results of the machine test with details of Cm/Cmk values and the reference to indirect traceability to national standards • Extended warranty (3 months after maintenance)
The statutory warranty period applies to the material used. Atlas Copco provides an additional warranty for the entire tool for a period of three months after the maintenance has been carried out. Damage caused by disregard of the specifications, incorrect use or incorrect handling of the tool is excluded from the warranty.Maintenance is performed in accordance with our manufacturer's specifications once a year or after a maximum of 250,000 tightening cycles, whichever occurs first.Damage caused by external influences on the tool, e.g. rough damage exceeding the normal operating dimensions and transport damage due to improper packaging are excluded. Gear offset heads, cables, controls and add-on parts will be serviced and repaired at cost. Any repairs that may be necessary will be invoiced on a time and material basis.
• The stated price applies per maintenance interval. • The category ToolCover Protect Air High Tech applies only to the following types of tools: LMP, LTP, LTV, EP, PTI, EBP, RTP • Additional costs may be charged for spare parts as part of the maintenance. These are not included in the maintenance package. For maintenance including all spare parts and other additional benefits, use the ToolCover Stability offer • Please note the user information for the respective tool type. This can be found in the Atlas Copco ServAid.
ToolCover Protect Air High Tech(PG 2) photo du produit

ToolCover Protect Air High Tech(PG 2)

9900 4270 45

Avantages utilisateurs

Performance optimisée
Efficacité dans votre production
Coûts de l'outillage et risques de production minimisés


Réduction du temps de maintenance et de réparation
S'appuyant sur les meilleures pratiques internationales
Certificats de service
Coûts de maintenance fixes/optimisés
Remises sur les pièces détachées
Étalonnage inclus