High-pressure compressors support hammer drilling for water extraction
19. avril 2019
Dead Sea, Israel: when inhabitants of the Ein Gedi oasis kibbutz wanted to install a new water extraction well, they contacted Belgian specialist in underground techniques Smet Group. As the latter has been working with us for several years now, they asked Atlas Copco Rental to deliver compressed air for the drilling installation. And with that, they were about to meet our newest powerhouse in drilling: the DrillAir Y35!
Smet Group and the Ein Gedi project
This is a very special project.In a beautiful region with many challenges. From the even platform that we had built on the slope, you could see the Dead Sea in the distance. And because we were stationed in a nature reserve, no additives such as foam were to be used. The high ambient temperature also proved a challenge for our technicians, who were encouraged to drink sufficient amounts of water throughout the day.
Why Y35?
Atlas Copco Rental and Smet Group have been working together splendidly for years now. “Anytime we need 25 bar compressors, we will contact Atlas Copco Rental. After all, this pressure is ideal for drilling techniques at larger diameters like 580mm which was the case here,” Ann Smeyers adds.
In the past, it had always been the oil-injected XRVS compressor who had driven the drilling installation. But as a flow of 40m³/min was now needed, we advised our newest DrillAir Y35 instead. “We had never used the Y35 before, but it was an immediate success as it started up perfectly – in spite of those high ambient temperatures.”
Extra services on top
To transport the Y35 from Belgium to Israel, Smet Group worked closely together with our logistical department. In May of 2018, the compressor headed to Ravenna, to then set sail for Israel by boat. “In 14 days’ time the machine was on-site, with all certificates in place. Now that’s a nice way of doing business,” says Ann Smeyers.
Connectors with internal reinforcement, especially designed for his project, were delivered as well. They will be used as standard material by Smet Group from now on.
A full service package was also included to maintain the machines locally. Wherever the Drill Air Y35 comes it makes an impression, as proven by the next set of orders. “The Y35 has exceeded our expectations in a big way. We used to combine compressors to get the same flow, where we ultimately lost pressure. But from now on, it’s Y35 all the way!”
- DrillAir Y35_Leaflet 6.5 MB, PDF
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter :
- Inge Craninckx, Marketing Manager inge.craninckx@be.atlascopco.com
Atlas Copco est un fournisseur mondialement reconnu de solutions de productivité durables. Le groupe offre à ses clients des compresseurs, des solutions de vide, des générateurs, des pompes, des outils électriques et des systèmes d'assemblage innovants. Atlas Copco développe des produits et services axés sur la productivité, l'efficacité énergétique, la sécurité et l'ergonomie. Fondée en 1873, l'entreprise est basée à Stockholm, en Suède, et est implantée dans plus de 180 pays. En 2017, Atlas Copco (sauf Epiroc AB) comptait près de 34 000 employés et son chiffre d'affaires s'élevait à 86 milliards de couronnes suédoises (près de 9 milliards d'euros). Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur www.atlascopcogroup.com.Specialty Rental est une division du pôle d'activité Atlas Copco Power Technique. Elle fournit à tous les clients industriels des solutions de location temporaires d'air comprimé, d'énergie, de débit, de vapeur et d'azote. Les services de location spécialisée sont proposés sous plusieurs marques. Le siège de la division est situé en Belgique.