Atlas Copco Rental’s pricing strategy places diesel-powered and electric-driven equipment in virtually the same category. Meaning that, contrary to popular belief, a sustainable option isn’t the most expensive option. From Stage IV to Stage V, diesel technology and performance has improved dramatically. However, we always want to suggest electric-powered solutions first. However, the advantages of this equipment are irrelevant if a power supply isn’t available on-site.
22 June 2020
For instance, an infrastructure improvement project located in an urban area will probably feature an established power source. However, a new construction site that is located remotely will most likely not have access to grid electricity.
Things to consider
The logical choice
Diesel engines do produce additional nitrogen oxides (NOx) and other pollutants that are linked to a variety of climate change and health issues. For this reason, governments and manufacturers have made huge investments to clean up diesel engines. However, they can never be as clean as electric motors when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. With regard to environmental concerns, electrically powered compressors have no competition. When it comes to noise, electric machines can be up to 5 decibels quieter than diesel. There are some claims that electric compressors are emission-free – and, although that can be considered technically correct to a certain degree, they need to plug into a source of power, which itself generates CO2.