
Atlas Copco Rental Australia offers additional equipment for customer to win large pipe testing and inerting project.

Antwerp, Belgium – June 2015: When the Pluto Gas Plant in Western Australia asked for 23,500 cfm of supply air and Nitrogen at a purity of 95 to 97% for a large pipe testing and inerting project, Enermech immediately contacted Atlas Copco Rental Australia in Perth to see what support could be provided to supplement their own equipment.

09 June 2015

Previous history and a relationship that has seen the two businesses partner on multiple projects successfully together meant we were the first point of call. The shutdown was to be completed on a local Liquified Natural Gas Plant with the scope being inerting and purging pipelines - supply of air to all auxiliary equipment and super heating N2 to assist purging and cleaning. This shutdown was to run over a 6 week period with a small stand down scheduled in the middle. Reliability was paramount as this was critical path for the shutdown to be completed on time. Leading up to the project we identified communication would be key – A project team was formed and weekly meetings were held for several months in the lead up and across the outage to ensure there were no surprises or down time.

Atlas Copco Rental was to supply 23,500 cfm @ 25 bar which was made up with 18 Compressors. This included two Twin Air units and one 6.2m BTU Steam Boiler which made it possible for us to assist in all aspects of the project. Equipment would supply all feed air to Enermech’s own Nitrogen Membranes. The nitrogen would be then run through a heat exchanger and be super-heated by the Atlas Copco Rental Steam Boiler to be injected directly into the Gas Plant lines. Atlas Copco Rental also supplied compressor technicians and boiler operators on a 24/7 basis to support the shutdown and ensure minimal downtime if any. Following the completion of this project a frame agreement has been signed between Enermech and Atlas Copco Rental Australia for future jobs together.

The Pluto Gas Plant also has a long and sustainable relationship with Atlas Copco Rental Australia as we have a local branch situated nearby. It was certainly part of the success factor that, together with Enermech, we could use our local depot to centralize and assemble the spread before mobilizing to site.

The first half of the shutdown was a success and has been completed 2 days ahead of schedule. Rental Equipment has performed without issue and we have received positive feedback from our client.

Ken Hodges , Western Australia Business Manager at Atlas Copco Rental in Perth

Once again it is clear that our expertise, fleet and numerous locations plays an important role. All those factors combined gave us the competitive edge we needed to win this project.

David Irwin , Marketing manager Atlas Copco Rental Australia

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Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of sustainable productivity solutions. The Group serves customers with innovative compressors, vacuum solutions and air treatment systems, construction and mining equipment, power tools and assembly systems. Atlas Copco develops products and service focused on productivity, energy efficiency, safety and ergonomics. The company was founded in 1873, is based in Stockholm, Sweden, and has a global reach spanning more than 180 countries. In 2015, Atlas Copco had revenues of BSEK 102 (BEUR 11) and more than 43 000 employees.

Specialty Rental is a division within Atlas Copco’s Construction Technique business area. It serves customers in the industry segments around the world with temporary air, nitrogen, steam and power rental solutions. The specialty rental services are offered under several brands. The divisional headquarters is located in Houston, USA.