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SMARTLINK: see things coming

SMARTLINK: a smart insight that can improve your compressor uptime


SMARTLINK is a compressor monitoring programme providing you with a complete data insight of the compressed air production at your site.

How does SMARTLINK work?

Once the SMARTLINK programme is installed it gathers, compares and analyses data on the fly. When needed it sends you warnings by e-mail or text message.

Why should I install SMARTLINK?

SMARTLINK allows you to intelligently assess the performance of your compressed air systems and avoid unplanned downtime and repair costs..

What can SMARTLINK do for you?

Knowing the status of your compressed air equipment at all times is the surest way to spot any developing problems, uncover potential energy savings and achieve maximum uptime of your compressors and your production lines. These insights can be realised through SMARTLINK, Atlas Copco’s remote data monitoring system. 

We have plenty of examples that show just how data from SMARTLINK connected compressors has already helped some of our customers, by spotting problems before they led to a production outage. Below are just a few.

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Potential £6 million fire avoided at waste disposal and recycling company
Potential £6 million fire avoided at waste disposal and recycling company
A shutdown event on motor overload occurred on one of the GA90 units at a waste disposal and recycling company. The diagnostics team monitored the event and issued a notification ticket to our site on the same day. We acted immediately by arranging for a technician to visit the customer site to investigate the issue. The technician found a loose connection at an incoming isolator and hence isolator burn and loss of one phase. The customer was about to recommission the plant after a £ 6 million fire which was potentially prevented from happening again.
A shutdown event on motor overload occurred on one of the GA90 units at a waste disposal and recycling company. The diagnostics team monitored the event and issued a notification ticket to our site on the same day. We acted immediately by arranging for a technician to visit the customer site to investigate the issue. The technician found a loose connection at an incoming isolator and hence isolator burn and loss of one phase. The customer was about to recommission the plant after a £ 6 million fire which was potentially prevented from happening again.
filter backwashing wastewater treatment
compressed air dryers
Water in your jam?
Water in your jam?
SMARTLINK indicated a high dewpoint temperature on a dryer at a jam maker. Our administrator immediately asked for a service engineer to be sent to site to take a look. It turned out that there was a fault on the dryer, which the engineer was quickly able to repair. Wet air being passed into the jam making process would have been bad news for the customer, so a potential issue was averted due to SMARTLINK.
SMARTLINK indicated a high dewpoint temperature on a dryer at a jam maker. Our administrator immediately asked for a service engineer to be sent to site to take a look. It turned out that there was a fault on the dryer, which the engineer was quickly able to repair. Wet air being passed into the jam making process would have been bad news for the customer, so a potential issue was averted due to SMARTLINK.
compressor screw element
Data patterns give away clues
Data patterns give away clues
Through analysing SMARTLINK data over a period of time at a semiconductor manufacturer, we spotted that the temperature readings of the element on their older compressor were consistently high. This pointed to the element becoming inefficient with age. The customer is now considering overhauling the old element, whilst our service team keeps a close eye on the compressor data, to ensure there is no downtime on site.
Through analysing SMARTLINK data over a period of time at a semiconductor manufacturer, we spotted that the temperature readings of the element on their older compressor were consistently high. This pointed to the element becoming inefficient with age. The customer is now considering overhauling the old element, whilst our service team keeps a close eye on the compressor data, to ensure there is no downtime on site.
Too hot to work efficiently
Too hot to work efficiently
SMARTLINK picked up a case where the element temperatures were inefficiently high in all of the compressors at a steel manufacturer’s site. On inspection, our engineer found that the compressor room was poorly ventilated, leading to a temperature of 40° C in the room. Our regional team leader helped the facility manager to remedy the situation. In the meantime, Atlas Copco engineers made sure the compressor coolers were kept clean and the oil topped up to prevent overheating.
SMARTLINK picked up a case where the element temperatures were inefficiently high in all of the compressors at a steel manufacturer’s site. On inspection, our engineer found that the compressor room was poorly ventilated, leading to a temperature of 40° C in the room. Our regional team leader helped the facility manager to remedy the situation. In the meantime, Atlas Copco engineers made sure the compressor coolers were kept clean and the oil topped up to prevent overheating.
compressor room ventilation
Smartbox on a connected compressor
Right place at the right time
Right place at the right time
A timely notification from SMARTLINK prevented a breakdown for an aerospace component engineering company. The SMARTBOX on a connected compressor notified our regional team leader that it was overheating. He was able to divert a service engineer to site who happened to be passing nearby on his way home. The customer had been unaware of the problem, but was relieved that Atlas Copco had been able to fix the compressor pro-actively and avoid a breakdown and its associated costs.
A timely notification from SMARTLINK prevented a breakdown for an aerospace component engineering company. The SMARTBOX on a connected compressor notified our regional team leader that it was overheating. He was able to divert a service engineer to site who happened to be passing nearby on his way home. The customer had been unaware of the problem, but was relieved that Atlas Copco had been able to fix the compressor pro-actively and avoid a breakdown and its associated costs.
Frozen condensate drains
Frozen condensate drains
A cold snap was causing a cereal manufacturer’s compressors to run at a particularly low ambient temperature. Luckily SMARTLINK picked up warnings from the units’ electronic condensate drains, triggering a visit to the site by a service engineer. This early intervention saw the customer fit temporary heaters, thus avoiding the drains freezing up, which could have led to compressor element damage and condensate reaching the air network, thereby avoiding £80,000 of breakdown costs.
A cold snap was causing a cereal manufacturer’s compressors to run at a particularly low ambient temperature. Luckily SMARTLINK picked up warnings from the units’ electronic condensate drains, triggering a visit to the site by a service engineer. This early intervention saw the customer fit temporary heaters, thus avoiding the drains freezing up, which could have led to compressor element damage and condensate reaching the air network, thereby avoiding £80,000 of breakdown costs.
electronic condensate drains in a compressor

What’s the alternative to remote monitoring?

Without connectivity, you have to rely on visits to the compressor room to check the status of your equipment. A logbook will be needed to keep track of running hours and service requirements. SMARTLINK gathers and analyses data on the fly, giving you full transparency and – as the administrative burden is minimised – better day to day efficiency.

You can choose from 3 levels of SMARTLINK to determine the amount of information you receive.


Get an easy and quick way to access to the online service log book, request quotes for parts and additional service.


Get an e-mail or a text message whenever a warning requires your attention.


Get customised reports on the energy efficiency of your compressor room, in compliance with ISO 50001

compressors customer support

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Atlas Copco Compressor Service

SMARTLINK: see things coming

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