
FD refrigerant air dryers rental

Refrigerant air dryers - Air cooled

Contact our experts today

High reliability

Atlas Copco’s FD refrigerant dryers eliminate system failures, production downtime and costly repairs by removing moisture from compressed air with a pressure dewpoint as low as +3°C/+37.4°F. The unique design of the heat exchanger significantly improves dryer lifetime. Advanced control functions ensure dry air at all conditions & prevent freezing at low loads.

Maximum energy savings

FD dryers incorporate energy-saving features that cut your carbon footprint. Incorporating unique heat exchanger technology and Saver Cycle Control, the FD ensures a low pressure drop and minimal energy consumption.

Easy installation

FD dryers have a small footprint thanks to an innovative all-in-one design. They are ready for use and installation is straightforward, minimizing costly production downtime.

Technical specifications

  • Pressure dew point: as low as +3°C/+37.4°F
  • Pressure range: matching to your compressor
  • Flow range: matching to your compressor


FD refrigerant air dryers rental

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