
Nitrogen applications

A steady supply of nitrogen is indispensable to many industrial applications.

Nitrogen is often referred to as the “5th utility”, next to water, electricity gas and compressed air. So for many companies, on-site nitrogen is the most cost-efficient and most practical way to have a reliable supply of nitrogen. We have listed some typical applications that can benefit from the cost saving and convenience of nitrogen generators.

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Industrijski gasovi

Atlas Copco nudi ne samo komprimovani vazduh i gasove, već i kompletna rešenja za njih. Gasni generatori na licu mesta vam omogućavaju da proizvodite sopstveni komprimovani azot i kiseonik, zahtevajući samo dovod suvog komprimovanog vazduha. Komprimovani gasovi stvoreni na licu mesta mogu značajno da smanje vaše troškove u poređenju sa upotrebom boca ili rasutih isporuka.