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Kako se prenosi toplota?

Basic Theory Compressed Air Wiki Thermodynamics Physics

Jedna veoma interesantna grana fizike je termodinamika, posebno za sticanje  uvida u način rada vazdušnih kompresora. U ovom članku govorimo o prenošenju toplote, koji sledi nakon našeg uvoda u termodinamiku.

Kako se prenosi toplota?

how heat is transferred
Bilo koja temperaturna razlika unutar tela ili između različitih tela ili sistema dovodi do prenošenja toplote, sve dok se ne postigne temperaturna ravnoteža. Ovo prenošenje toplote se može odvijati na tri različita načina, a to su:
  • provođenje (kondukcija)
  • prelaženje (konvekcija)
  • zračenje (radijacija)
U stvarnim situacijama, prenošenje toplote se odvija istovremeno, ali ne podjednako na sva tri načina.

3 Types of Heat Transfer

Heat transfer through conduction formula
Provođenje (kondukcija) je prenos toplote direktnim kontaktom čestica. Odvija se između čvrstih tela ili između tankih slojeva tečnosti ili gasa. Vibrirajući atomi odaju deo svoje kinetičke energije susednim atomima koji manje vibriraju.
Heat transfer through convection formula
Prelaženje (konvekcija) je prenos toplote između vruće čvrste površine i susednog nepokretnog ili pokretnog fluida (gasa ili tečnosti), pojačan mešanjem jednog dela fluida sa drugim. Može se javiti kao slobodna konvekcija, prirodnim kretanjem u medijumu kao rezultat razlika u gustini usled temperaturnih razlika. Takođe se može javiti kao prinudna konvekcija sa kretanjem tečnosti izazvane mehaničkim agensima, na primer ventilatorom ili pumpom. Prisilna konvekcija proizvodi znatno veći prenos toplote kao rezultat većih brzina mešanja.
Heat transfer through radiation
Zračenje (radijacija) je prenos toplote kroz prazan prostor. Sva tela sa temperaturom iznad 0°K emituju toplotu elektro-magnetnim zračenjem u svim pravcima. Kada toplotni zraci udare u telo, deo energije se apsorbuje i transformiše da zagreje to telo. Zraci koji nisu apsorbovani prolaze kroz telo ili se od njega odbijaju. U stvarnim situacijama, prenos toplote je zbir istovremenog prenosa toplote putem provođenja, prelaženja i zračenja.

Thermal Conductivity and Heat Transfer Formulas

Thermal Conductivity Formula

Heat transfer through conduction formula

Thermal conductivity is a measure of a material's ability to conduct heat. The formula is:

Q = λ * A * t * (Δ T / Δ x)


  • Q is the heat transferred (J),
  • λ is the thermal conductivity coefficient (W/m*K),
  • A is the heat flow area (m2),
  • t is the time (s),
  • ΔT is the temperature difference (K),
  • Δx is the distance (m).

Heat Transfer Formula for Convection

Heat transfer through convection formula

The formula for convective heat transfer is:

Q = - h * A * t * Δ T


  • Q is the heat transfer (J),
  • h is the convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2*K),
  • A is the surface area (m2),
  • t is the time (s),
  • ΔT is the temperature difference between the surface and the fluid (K).

The negative sign indicates that heat transfer occurs from higher to lower temperature.

Radiation Heat Transfer Formula

Heat transfer through radiation

The formula for convective heat transfer is:

Q = - k * A * t * Δ T


  • Q is the total heat transmitted (J),
  • k is the heat transfer coefficient (W/m2*K),
  • A is the area (m2),
  • t is the time (s),
  • ΔT is the temperature difference (cold-hot)(K).

Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LTMD) in Heat Exchangers

Prenos toplote u izmenjivaču toplote je u svakoj tački funkcija preovlađujuće temperaturne razlike i ukupnog koeficijenta prenosa toplote. Zahteva korišćenje logaritamske srednje temperaturne razlike Өm umesto linearne aritmetičke ΔT.

 logarithmic mean temperature difference formula
Srednja logaritamska temperaturna razlika se definiše kao odnos između temperaturnih razlika na dve strane priključka izmenjivača toplote prema izrazu:

Applications of Heat Transfer and Heat Recovery

Heat transfer and heat recovery are crucial in various industries, including manufacturing, automotive, and energy. While heat transfer involves the movement of heat from one place to another, heat recovery focuses on capturing and reusing waste heat.



In manufacturing, efficient heat transfer is essential for metal forging, plastic molding, and chemical production. Proper thermal management ensures product quality and reduces energy consumption. On the other hand, heat recovery systems capture waste heat from these processes and reuse it elsewhere in the facility, such as preheating raw materials or heating spaces.



In the automotive industry, heat transfer is critical for engine cooling, climate control, and electric vehicle battery management. Effective thermal systems enhance vehicle performance and longevity by efficiently moving heat away from critical components. Meanwhile, heat recovery systems can capture the heat generated by engines and exhaust systems to improve fuel efficiency or power additional vehicle systems.



In the energy sector, heat transfer is key to power generation, whether through traditional fossil fuels or renewable sources like solar and wind. Efficient heat exchange systems maximize energy output and minimize waste. Heat recovery, on the other hand, involves capturing waste heat from power generation processes and using it for other purposes, such as district heating or additional power generation through combined heat and power (CHP) systems.

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Heat Transfer in Compressed Air Systems

Heat Generation During Compression

During the compression process, air pressure and temperature increase due to work done on the air. This heat must be managed to maintain system efficiency and prevent damage.

Importance of Cooling Compressed Air

Uncontrolled heat in compressed air systems can lead to equipment damage, reduced efficiency, and moisture condensation. Cooling the compressed air is crucial to prevent these issues.

Utilizing Heat for Ancillary Equipment

Heat generated in compressed air systems can be utilized in ancillary equipment such as dryers and drying tanks, enhancing overall system efficiency.

Heat recovery

Heat recovery involves capturing and reusing waste heat generated during compression. This process reduces energy consumption, lowers operating costs, and promotes sustainability by minimizing wasted energy.

Benefits of Heat Recovery:

  • Reduced Energy Consumption: Utilizing waste heat reduces reliance on external heating sources.

  • Lower Operating Costs: Energy savings translate to lower operational expenses.

In this video, we explore compressor heat recovery. Did you know a significant portion of the electrical energy consumed by compressors turns into heat is often wasted?


With energy recovery systems, we can repurpose this excess heat for heating, drying, or generating hot water for tasks like showering and industrial processes like bottle cleaning and chocolate tempering.


Want to know more about energy recovery for your business? Understanding the different types of heat transfer is crucial for various industrial applications, including compressed air systems. By managing and utilizing heat effectively, industries can improve efficiency and reduce costs. Learn more in our ebook. 

For more information on heat recovery and other energy-efficient solutions, visit our heat recovery page.

FAQs and examples of heat transfer in daily life

What are the three types of heat transfer?

The three types of heat transfer are conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between materials, as seen when a metal rod heats up along its length. 

Why does heat flow from hot to cold?

Heat flow from hot to cold is driven by the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy, or disorder, tends to increase in an isolated system.

How is heat transferred by conduction?

Heat is transferred by conduction through direct contact between molecules in a solid material.

How is heat transferred by convection?

Heat is transferred by convection through the movement of fluids, distributing heat evenly.

How is heat transferred by radiation?

Heat is transferred by radiation through electromagnetic waves, without the need for a medium.

What is an example of conduction heat transfer?

An example of conduction is a metal spoon getting hot from its handle to its tip when placed in a hot liquid.

What is an example of convection heat transfer?

An example of convection is the circulation of warm air in a heated room.

What are some examples of radiation heat transfer?

Examples of radiation include the warmth from a fireplace and the heat from the sun.

What type of heat transfer is boiling water?

Boiling water involves convection, where heat causes the water to circulate and transfer heat.

Which type of heat transfer can happen through empty space?

Radiation can occur through empty space, as it does not require a medium.

What type of heat transfer is the sun?

The sun transfers heat to Earth through radiation.

What type of heat transfer do dryers use?

Dryers typically use convection to transfer heat and dry materials.

What type of heat transfer is a microwave?

A microwave uses radiation to transfer heat and cook food.

What is the chemistry behind roasting marshmallows?

When marshmallows are roasted, heat transfer through radiation causes a chemical change. The sugar undergoes caramelization and Maillard reactions, producing water molecules that evaporate and leave carbon behind, resulting in a blackened, crispy exterior. This combination of chemical reactions gives roasted marshmallows their distinctive flavor and texture.

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