
2014 - A Mile Stone to Install 100+ ZH Turbo Compressor in Pakistan

We Promise high efficiency, reliability and lowest cost of ownership, We deliver.

Over the years Atlas Copco has introduced many innovative and revolutionary products in the market and the ZH Centrifugal Compressor is no exception. Compressed air is so widely used in industry that it is often regarded as the fourth utility, after electricity, natural gas and water. The importance of compressed air is often over looked, but in reality it plays a vital part in most modern manufacturing processes. Although we may not realize that most products we use today could simply not be made without compressed air. Compressed air accounts for about 10% of the global energy used in industry today. Since 1960’s Atlas Copco has been supplying its compressed air equipment in Pakistan with introduction of first oil free Z screw machine in Ghulam Muhammad Textile in 1985. With increasing flow requirements and expansions in different units it was time to introduce the industry’s work horse ZH Turbo machines.

Oil-free Air

Atlas Copco is committed to sustainable productivity and it is our ongoing endeavor to market the most energy efficient solutions year after year.

Oil Free Air - Atlas Copco Pakistan

In 2003, Atlas Copco sold first turbo machine to Gulshan Weaving and with the latest order of Lucky Textile for 3 ZH machines, Atlas Copco has reached the milestone of 100 turbo compressors in Pakistan with major shareholder being Textile Air Jet weaving sector. With the ZH Turbo Compressor, Atlas Copco provides an all-in-one package incorporating the latest technology in a built-to-last design. In Oct, 2013, Atlas Copco introduced new models ZH 355+ - 900+ oil-free centrifugal compressor range which employs most advanced aerodynamics to reduce energy consumption. Coupled with this, all the components of the package are designed by Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis to drastically reduce pressure drops within the package. “Atlas Copco is committed to sustainable productivity and it is our ongoing endeavor to bring to market the most energy efficient solutions year after year.”