10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

Everything you need to know about your pneumatic conveying process

Discover how you can create a more efficient pneumatic conveying process.
3D images of blowers in cement plant

Is your compressed air system operating at peak performance?

Is your electricity bill too high? Why don't you assess your energy & overcome its increasing costs in your factory by getting a free energy audit that we are offering.

Take advantage of our free energy audit

Energy audits of your compressor room are highly useful tools that help determine whether your existing air system is as efficient as possible. With energy costs making up the largest share of a compressed air system’s costs, such a compressed audit may save companies a lot of money.  

Why energy audit? It will help and allow you to:

  • Get the annual electricity savings rate, which may reach 50% if  high demand fluctuation is detected within your current system in the factory , which in this case we recommend an air Compressor with Variable Speed Drive (VSD)+ technology as a solution to get the maximum energy savings.
  • Get a fully customized report with recommendations on ways to save energy
  • Optimize your compressed air system
  • Reduce energy costs by eliminating wasteful practices, leaks and inappropriate use
  • Select the right size of the air compressor for your current needs

The benefits from our energy audit does not end with lowering energy costs but also improving the overall efficiency of your production and positively affecting the bottom line.

Remember: A simple audit of your air compressor will directly lead to cost savings!

Therefore it is essential to ensure your compressed air system is operating at peak performance!

A Peak Performance Assessment from Atlas Copco is worth up to Php30,000 but we offer it FREE of charge as part of our continuing commitment to keeping your energy and production costs down to a minimum. Did you know, for example, that reducing your compressed air pressure by 1 bar could result in energy savings of as much as 7%?

Quality and Environmental Standards

With Atlas Copco, you can manage your air system’s energy efficiency for ISO 50001 and ensure environmental standards such as ISO 14001 with a simple, non-intrusive inspection which leaves you with a comprehensive report on your system’s status and increased productivity potential without any additional commitments.

Implementing ESOS findings

One area audited by an ESOS assessment is compressed air, which accounts on average for 12% of industrial electricity usage in Europe, and as much as 40% in some cases, therefore offers scope for significant energy savings.

Accredited supplier with the prestigious Carbon Trust , Atlas Copco Compressors is a reliable partner when it comes to helping companies to implement the findings of their ESOS assessment in order to reduce their energy consumption. You can take advantage of a range of energy efficient compressors, energy recovery options, and even energy efficient vacuum pumps.

Request for a FREE energy audit!

Is your compressed air system operating at peak performance?

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