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Free wellbeing check of your compressed air system

We can help you reduce the cost of your compressed air and save you money. Request a free compressor health inspection with #airCHECK by filling out the form on this page and be in to win an iPAD!
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#airCHECK - free compressor health inspection!

What is #airCHECK?

An Atlas Copco #airCHECK is a complementary visual inspection of your air system resulting in recommendations for any further actions.

Is it for my compressed air system?

We #airCHECK any make of system, not just our own.

Why should I book an #airCHECK?

Our #airCHECK will diagnose all common problems including pipework leaks, pressure and drainage.

Five Reasons why you need an #airCHECK for your compressor

Free health inspection for your compresed air
  • It's free 
  • It helps you diagnose all common problems including pipework leaks, incorrect operating pressure and inefficient drainage
  • It could save you money and decrease your production costs 
  • We can #airCHECK any brand of air compressors 
  • An #airCHECK can be carried out in as little as 10 minutes, without disruption to your production

Sign up for a free #airCHECK to find out if your compressed air system is efficient and complies with the latest regulations and...


Enter our prize draw for a chance to win an iPad by recommending someone who could benefit from having a free #airCHECK!

How does an #airCHECK work?

Our engineer makes a visual inspection of your entire compressed air system, from air compressor to point of use, all of the ancillary equipment along the line and even the compressor room environment. Equipment is checked for condition, appropriate capacity, ISO compliance, unproductive running and for air leaks, to name but a few areas.

After we have #airCHECKED your system, you will receive a no-obligation written report, outlining where running efficiency improvements or energy savings could be made, and highlighting any non-conformance with ISO standards or wasteful practices.


Making even small changes as a result of the free assessment can be enough to offer long-term financial savings and decrease your production costs.

How much could you save from compressed air?

Air compressors typically consume from 10-12% of a factory’s electricity, sometimes up to 30%. Making even small changes as a result of the aircheck free assessment can be enough to offer long-term financial savings and decrease your production costs.

Helping you with ISO compliance

Atlas Copco has ISO 9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001 and ISO 50001 compliance. We can make recommendations to other companies to help continually reduce your energy use, energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions, and advise on legal requirements and reporting, to assist in your ISO compliance too.


Get a Free #airCHECK for your compressor and be in to win an Apple iPad! Free visual inspection of your compressed air system

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By submitting this request, Atlas Copco will be able to contact you through the collected information. More information can be found in our privacy policy.

Could you benefit from an #airCHECK? The results might surprise you!

You might think your compressed air system is fine but it’s possible that it could be better. As air compressor technology is constantly becoming more energy efficient and because we have over 100 years of experience, we have found that we can improve most of the air compressor systems that we assess.

You can view the #airCHECK promotion general terms and conditions here

Free wellbeing check of your compressed air system

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