Paroil S

Synthetic lubricant

Contact us +603 5123 8888

For any extreme weather, Atlas Copco Parts & Service


Excellent oxidation resistance

Excellent water separation

Excellent seal and paint compatibility

Balanced composition on anti-foaming and air release

Top protection against wear

High viscosity index

Atlas Copco Paroil S has been designed to provide a high level of performance in air compressors working in severe conditions. Although it has been designed  for high-pressure applications, Paroil S can be used in all our portable compressors for ambient temperatures between -25°C and +30°C and up to +50°C for low-pressure applications. Paroil S is a fully synthetic premium-quality oil with a high viscosity index. The quality lubricator additives allow for oil change intervals of 1000 hours without any loss in performance and compressor longevity.


  Method Unit Value
Viscosity class ISO VG ISO 6743   46
Density at 15°C ISO 3675 kg/dm³
Viscosity at 40°C ASTM D 445 mm²/s 46
Viscosity at 100°C ASTM D 445 mm²/s 7.3
Pour Point ASTM D 97 °C -57
Viscosity index ASTM D 2270   133
Flash point COC ASTM D 92 °C 248


  Part Number
5 l 1.32 US gal 1630 0160 00
20 l 5.28 US gal 1630 0161 00     
210 l 55.48 US gal 1630 0162 00
1000 l 264.17 US gal 1630 0163 00