Circus Brazil Jack

The world's first circus to power its entire operation with energy storage.

This means less money spent on diesel, as fuel consumption has been reduced by around 39%.

The circus of Brazil Jack has a long legacy. Everything started back in 1897 at the General Art and Industrial Exposition of Stockholm, where the founder, Carl Rhodin, of the circus earned money and start capital, to be able to sew the big circus tent, in fact the same tent still used today. His inspiration came from the big success of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (1887-93) and his tour around Europe. 

Today, it is the 12th generation that runs the circus, with circus director Trolle Rhodin the third. Over the years, there has been a constant development of the content of the show, in terms of variety, different tricks in the show and technical development. Brazil Jack was one of the earliest circuses to leave the animal shows behind; gradually they decreased in number from just before the turn of the millennium until 2018 when they had none at all. Every year at Easter, the tour starts in southern part of Sweden and continues with 200 shows throughout the long country Sweden for six months.

Circus Brazil Jack is constantly on the move during their six-month tour, so they are always looking for new ways to optimize their work. When the team arrives to a new location, they assembly the tent and circus area within four hours. Immediately after the last show the crew starts to tear down the area which takes approximately two hours, thus to start the change of location. Due to the time-consuming set-up and dismantling, a smooth and reliable process is necessary.



Energilager ZBP 40

To anchor the 200 iron piles (1 meter long) that support the tent as efficiently as possible, the crew uses two TEX pneumatic breakers, which together are driven by the XAS 97 compressor. The next step in the establishment phase is to provide power to the village, i.e. all caravans and the circus tent. To create a thrilling and magic atmosphere in the tent, the show’s light and sound must be provided by reliable power, which can be challenging when you constantly change location.

Being able to speed up the time of establishment and to secure power supply during the show is key. That's why the reliable machines from Atlas Copco are a perfect fit for us!

Trolle Rhodin, director Cirkus Brazil Jack.

Since Trolle Rhodin and his crew always, thrive to develop themselves Circus Brazil Jack are the first of its kind to power the circus village with an energy storage system. That means their former solution with diesel generator only as power supply is changed to use the generator only for loading the energy storage system. That change means less money on diesel since the fuel consumption has declined by approximately 39 %. The switch of the major power supply also includes other benefits, like less noise for the established area and less emissions. 

Having an energy storage system supply the show and the village with electricity, is a natural step for us as we want to constantly develop our business,” says Trolle Rhodin, Director of Circus Brazil Jack, and continues: ‘The silent operation without emissions provides a more pleasant environment for both audience and artist.

Trolle Rhodin, director Cirkus Brazil Jack.

Circus Brazil Jack in brief
  • Established: 1899
  • Circus director: Trolle Rhodin
  • Number of shows per year: 200
  • Power supply: Energy storage system ZBP 45 + generator QAS 45 in hybrid operation.
  • Cost savings: 3.295 Euro per month (!) due to the 39 % decrease in fuel consumption.