Customer success stories

After proven energy savings, Jayakrishna Modern Rice Mill chooses Atlas Copco

The mill operates a 320-channel color sortex, a precise machine that requires high quality air. As it is imperative that oil contaminants do not enter the sortex, Jayakrishna Modern Rice Mill bought Atlas Copco’s GA18 Fixed Speed machine with UD+ filter which ensures a reliable supply of high quality of air.

As part of modernization, they increased the colour sortex to 320 channels, however they were using the piston-type reciprocating compressor which consumed a huge starting current. The sample compressor provided by Atlas Copco showed huge power savings which led to them buying the 25HP GA18VSD+ P compressor which has given them a drastic power savings of 33%. 

Project overview

Seenivasan P, the owner of Jayakrishna Modern Rice Mill located in Tamil Nadu’s Kangayam, had been in the rice milling business for the last 30 years. During the initial days in Kangayam there were not many modernized mills and due to growth of this industry the modernization in this field became inevitable and we modernized our plant with latest, energy-efficient machines.           


His son, Logeswaran K S, Joint Managing Director of Jayakrishna Modern Rice Mill, adds that he has taken joint responsibility for the mill from 2020, from which time he has planned the expansion and modernization of the plant with new machinery. 

The customer

Jayakrishna Modern Rice Mill


Kangayam, Tamil Nadu

The challenge

As they faced the issue of power shortage, they decided to modernize the mill. As part of modernization, they increased the colour sortex to 320 channels, however they were using the piston-type reciprocating compressor which consumed a huge starting current and the power drawn for the flow deliverable was also high.                                                                                                                                                                                           

1. During start-up, the compressor consumed 3 times of the starting current which required us to stop other machines in order to ensure that the compressor started.

2. There was considerable unloading during normal operations which resulted in high rejections and due to that lot of power was wasted.      


The maximum demand of the plant is 125HP and we there were other machineries running as well.

Assessment & solution

Faced with the above challenges, they approached Atlas Copco on how to address the above two critical issues. Atlas Copco performed a power audit for the compressor with the help of the sales tool iiTrak and the multi-function meter for a week. With that audit they proved potential power savings but as "seeing is believing", they requested a 10-day demo/trial. which they facilitated with a 30HP/GA22VSD+ compressor fitted with iTrack and a multifunction meter as well.

Implementation & outcome

The trial / sample compressor provided by Atlas Copco showed huge power savings. With the savings proven physically, we bought the 25HP GA18VSD+ P compressor and it’s been in operation for more than a year. Its operating well and we attained a drastic power savings of 33% as calculated and proved with the trial compressor. 

Summing up

The customer points out, “The service support is good and since we have experienced the benefits of choosing Atlas Copco we are recommending other rice mills to opt for Atlas Copco’s energy efficient variable speed technology VSD+ for better power savings and trouble-free operations.”

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