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LED has proven its payback credentials – so where’s the next big energy efficiency opportunity?

In this article, Micheál McGuinness - Country Manager for Atlas Copco Compressor Technique in Ireland - argues that compressed air represents the next big viable opportunity for Irish manufacturers to save energy and reduce carbon emissions.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Stef Lievens, Business Line Manager at Atlas Copco Compressors

Micheál McGuinness, Country Manager - Atlas Copco Compressors

Recent government initiatives have led many Irish manufacturers to re-think their approach to environmental sustainability. Indeed, one of the 2016-19 mission statements of the Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment is to support economic progress by leading the national transition to a sustainable, low-carbon, resource-efficient economy. A solution that some companies have adopted is LED lamps, which have proven their superiority compared to conventional alternatives. Industry sources claim that switching to LED can save an average of 70 per cent on energy bills, and with payback periods varying from 6-24 months, there is an array of reasons to consider it. Anecdotal evidence has shown that when LED lighting is installed along with other energy efficiency measures there is significant potential to reduce carbon emissions. This is an important point to think about when companies look at the bigger picture and consider their wider impact on the environment, as well as how this impacts on their brand purpose and reputation with customers. However, with many facilities having already adopted LED lighting, is it time for companies to begin looking elsewhere for other opportunities to become more energy efficient?

The answer is undoubtedly yes, and a technology that presents great potential for both immediate energy efficiency improvements and long-term total cost of ownership savings is compressed air. There’s no argument that compressed air is a mature technology, with stationary compressors having been successfully utilised in various parts of Irish industry for several decades. However, what is widely overlooked by the public, and some professionals working in senior positions at major Irish manufacturing companies, is the essential, yet hidden, role that compressed air plays in everyday life. From pneumatic conveying lines in factories, to powering the moving exhibits in museums and theme parks, compressed air is literally used everywhere. But LED and air compressors aren’t the same, right? That’s undeniable, but their potential impact on production sites and wider industry is comparable in many ways. With conservative analyses estimating it accounts for 10 per cent of all energy used in global industry, there’s no doubt compressed air should be high on the agenda of any enterprise seeking to reduce its carbon footprint. Thankfully, there have been significant advances in recent years that can enable companies to drastically improve both production and energy efficiency.

GA 90 VSD+ Oil-injected screw compressor with variable speed drive
One such advancement is the improvement of Variable Speed Drive technology that occurred when a new generation of VSD+ air compressors were introduced in 2013. VSD technology enables a compressor to vary its operating speed depending on the demand coming from the process. However, through the integration of intelligent inverters and interior permanent magnet motors within VSD+ compressors, it’s possible for compressed air users to realise even greater energy savings of up to 50 per cent compared to conventional fixed-speed machines, and 15 per cent over standard VSD machines. This is without mentioning the significant floor-space savings they provide against stationary compressors of comparable power ratings, which is a result of their compact design and a unique vertical build concept. What is also worth considering are the benefits of IoT-enabled remote monitoring systems, such as energy recovery systems , why not be smart and convert it into heating for your water supply or warehouse? While it can be argued that adopting LED lighting is comparatively quicker than replacing a stationary compressor, it’s worth noting that assessing a compressed air system is non-intrusive and the time it takes to identify savings is relatively short. For instance, the recommendation is to undertake a data-logging exercise which, apart from approx. 15 minutes for set-up, has no impact on production. Most importantly, it results in a detailed energy report that, among other things, can flag up how much energy could be being lost through leaks in compressed air pipework. To highlight this, even a tiny leak of just 3mm could cost you more than £700 a year in wasted energy according to industry sources.
Finally, what shouldn’t be overlooked when considering upgrading or installing a new compressed air system is the availability of national and local funding schemes that encourage manufacturing companies to invest in energy-efficient machines and systems. For instance, business grants are available from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland which have helped organisations across Ireland, from SMEs to large energy users, cut down on energy costs and make significant savings.

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Air compressors Manufacturing Air and gas treatment Ireland Energy recovery solutions 2018