
Sustainable utility solutions that transform the future

The future ahead forces everyone to act. Agile utility solutions enable you to optimize your utilities today - so you make an impact tomorrow.

Many companies are committed to reduce the energy consumption and lower CO2 emissions of their operations. However they often run into roadblocks…

Our specialized industrial utility services can make the difference - for your unique situation.

Select your challenge

Iceberg of hidden costs

Consider all aspects before investing in new utilities

Utilities like air, nitrogen, power, steam... often represent a significant part of the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of industries. Optimizing your utility room can therefore have a big impact on your overall footprint.


So why are you not investing in new equipment?

The overhaul of your utility room is a significant investment that can be challenging to approve; even when this would result in substantial energy savings. 

  • If you would invest; it is advisable to consider your future utility demand for optimal sizing - considering the projected depreciation time for the investment. However such a calculation is becoming increasingly difficult with the rise in unpredictability with regards to consumer behavior, supply chain challenges and legislation.
    • You could end up with more utilities than you require in the future. Even when these would not run; they will continue to be depreciated while requiring regular maintenance.
    • Should your future potential be limited to your calculations today? Under sizing your utilities can limit your further growth.
  • Once the investment is approved; you are usually faced with long delivery times and need to plan for a back-up solution during the actual overhaul.

We have an extensive range of industrial solutions at your disposal. Contact us for a personalised offer.


Consider to outsource your utilities to unlock the most energy efficient solution in a short time - without the CAPEX investment. 

Our sustainable solutions in action

What you can expect

PTE 900 vsd+ product card reference square

Technology that transforms the future

We offer a wide range of services; from air and nitrogen supply over on-site steam generation to power transformation.

uptime center rental

Data driven optimizations

We predict future behavior of our equipment to continuously improve your experience.

Seaway Heavy lifting Netherlands - offshore project

Extensive application experience

Think of an application that uses compressed air, nitrogen or steam and we have handled it. Our engineers have the competence you need.

i-rent remote access

You are in control

Through our I-Rent customer portal, you have 24/7 access to all relevant information. You can consult the performance of your installation, find relevant documentation and connect with our experts.

rental interaction and commitment and van

Passionate experts

Whether you are planning a project or have an emergency, we are available 24/7.

Interested? Share your challenge to expert utility support