Parcool Green

High-performance coolant

Contact us +852 2797 6600

For any extreme weather, Atlas Copco Parts & Service


Improved heat transfer, enabling flexibility in engine design

Excellent protection reduces thermostat, radiator and water pump repairs during the warranty period.

Depletion-free and chemically stable inhibitor offers reliability to the user

Parcool Green has been developed and formulated by Atlas Copco to ensure high-grade protection for your new-generation Atlas Copco equipped with low-emission engines. The special formulation warrants long-life service protection against boiling and corrosion.


  Unit Value
Density at 20°C kg/dm³ 1.061
Boiling point °C 110
pH   7.8
Freezing point °C -37


  Part number
5l 1.32 US gal 1630 0134 01
20l 5.28 US gal 1630 0134 06
210l 55.48 US gal 1630 0134 07