
Record-breaking response by Atlas Copco Rental Italy

October 7, 2020

Emergency air in no time for leading Italian glass manufacturer.

Why do we set such high standards for ourselves at Atlas Copco Rental? One reason is so that when our customer says, “Jump!”, we don’t even have to ask, “How high?” Because we’re already right up there. That is essentially what happened when our customer – a specialist in the production and distribution of glass containers for the food industry – informed us of a breakdown to their plant’s compressor park. Less than 24 hours later, one of Atlas Copco’s latest-generation oil-free compressors had not only been delivered but was fully commissioned and ready for action.

Against the clock

The call came at 9h00 on an otherwise average morning at Atlas Copco Rental Italy. Our customer’s compressor units – which happened to have been supplied by one of our competitors – all broke down at once, threatening a full production stop with potentially disastrous consequences. The clock was therefore ticking to find a solution that matched the specific constraints of the site and the blowing system and, above all, to get it up and running as quickly as possible. Because, quite literally, every minute counts!

All in a day’s work

Within 2 hours of that initial request, a quick requirements analysis was performed, a solution comprising our state-of-the-art PTE 1500 Class Zero 100% oil-free electric compressor was proposed and the order was confirmed. A technician then performed a comprehensive check and pre-commissioning of the compressor unit and all auxiliary equipment and by 14h00. everything was packed and ready for loading. By 15h00 the complete package left the yard en route for the customer’s production facility, a few hundred kilometers away in northeast Italy. An expert team of Atlas Copco Rental technicians worked around the clock to unload, connect, and test all equipment, cables and hoses prior to operation. Come 7h30 the following morning, just 22.5 hours later, the back-up compressor package was fully operational. 

Extra breathing room

Atlas Copco Rental’s PTE 1500 compressor unit is not only capable of delivering a stable, reliable, and continuous supply of 100% oil-free air. It does so with unmatched efficiency. And when you combine that with the fit-and-forget functionality of a fully electrical system, the solution not only saved our customer a packet in energy costs but also all the time, hassle, and expense of fuel management. 

This helped offset the cost of the rental. But most importantly, it gave our customer the peace of mind and breathing room they needed to carry out a thorough servicing and repair of their compressor park, which in end took 1 full month to complete.

Diego Zoccarato , Sales Area Manager North East Italy and Sardinia at Atlas Copco Rental Italy.

The biggest cost saving, however, was achieved by preventing what would have been an extremely costly disruption to the plant’s production and downstream activities. And that is precisely when the agility of a trusted partner truly pays dividends. 

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At Atlas Copco, we have been turning industrial ideas into business-critical benefits since 1873. By listening to our customers and knowing their needs, we deliver value and innovate with the future in mind. 

Great ideas reinforce sustainable development. At Atlas Copco Specialty Rental, we team up with our customers to set up state-of-the-art temporary air, flow, steam and nitrogen solutions. Our passionate experts have extensive application and equipment knowledge. We understand our customers' needs and can provide a total solution for any industry, no matter if it is for emergencies or planned projects. We are a division of the Power Technique business area, headquartered in Boom, Belgium and offer specialty rental solutions under several brands around the globe.