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Low Pressure 5th anniversary

Is your electricity bill too high?

Why dont you assess your energy & overcome its increasing costs in your factory by getting a free energy audit that we are offering in celebrating our 25-year anniversary for our variable speed drive technology (VSD) in which we were the first company to develop.

Take advantage of our free energy audit

Over the past few years, the cost of energy has increased dramatically. This has led many companies to review the cost-effectiveness of their compressed air system and to look for ways to reduce consumption and increase energy efficiency within their plants or facilities.

Energy audits of your compressor room are highly useful tools that help determine whether your existing air system is as efficient as possible. With energy costs making up the largest share of a compressed air system’s costs, such a compressed audit may save companies a lot of money.  

An assessment of your complete air compression system could cost you up to $600-1000 which may lead some companies to refuse performing  an air audit due to the costs associated with such service not considering the final benefits for the energy audit outcomes that  can far outweigh the initial investment

So we’re willing to do this for FREE for the first 20 registrants in every month as part of our continuing commitment to reduce your energy cost.

Our energy audit will allow you to:

  • Get the annual electricity savings rate, which may reach 50% if  high demand fluctuation is detected within your current system in the factory , which in this case we recommend an air Compressor with Variable Speed Drive (VSD)+ technology as a solution to get the maximum energy savings.
  • Get a fully customized report with recommendations on ways to save energy
  • Optimize your compressed air system
  • Reduce energy costs by eliminating wasteful practices, leaks and inappropriate use
  • Select the right size of the air compressor for your current needs

The benefits from our energy audit does not end with lowering energy costs but also improving the overall efficiency of your production and positively affecting the bottom line.

Fill out the form to register Now!

Did you know?


of all installations, air demand shows important load fluctuations


of industrial electrical consumption is for electric motors


of all installations, load cycle lies between 40...80%


of the total life cycle cost of a standard compressor is defined by the electricity cost


of industrial electrical capacity is consumed by compressed air


in energy savings you could have by reducing your compressed air pressure by 1 bar


Leakage can result out of the produced compressed airflow and it is also proportional to the working pressure.

Is your electricity bill too high?

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