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The Advantages of Variable Speed Drive Air Compressors

VSD air compressor is able to adjust the amount of power used in response to CFM demand in real time. This provides significant advantages, especially for companies whose compressed air needs vary over the course of a shift, day or season.

Energy savings with VSD air compressors

The biggest advantage of a VSD air compressor is energy savings. A fixed speed compressor always draws the amount of power needed to meet the maximum compressed air demand. VSD will ramp down RPM, and therefore power consumption, when demand for compressed air is lower. Depending on the total volume of compressed air used in your facility and the amount of variability in your processes, this can add up to hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in energy savings each year.

VSD air compressor speed optimization

VSD motor optimizes motor speeds and compressor performance. This reduces stress on mechanical and electrical components, prolonging the life of your system and minimizing downtime.

VSD Air Compressor for a Wide Range of Business Applications

It turns out most air compressor applications can benefit from variable rates. Whether you are in manufacturing, the food and beverage industry, or health care, there are times when you may need varying levels of compressed air. A fixed speed compressor would run at the same standard level of output for all of these services, no matter your needs.

VSD  air compressor is the more applicable choice in these cases and can help your organization save energy. It includes a soft startup feature that automatically controls the acceleration and deceleration levels. This allows for less energy used, and protects the components of the compressor in the long term.

Compressed Air Technology Advancements

New technology has eliminated some of the initial challenges that came with early VSD air compressors. The motor and drive train are now covered resulting in more protection from dust, debris, and water. This ultimately makes the machine a more trusted choice – even in the most rugged manufacturing conditions.

VSD compressors  are getting more accurate and efficient, and can be perfectly suited to your organization's requirements.

Using VSD and fixed speed compressors together

Sometimes, the most efficient compressed air solution combines one or more fixed speed compressors to provide a base load with one VSD compressor that “trims” to meet changes in demand. A system with multiple smaller compressors instead of one big compressor also provides redundancy that allows you to keep part of your facility operational when a compressor is offline for service or repair. 

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The benefits of VSD compressors are best told by the people who use them every day

Printing Industry

See how our VSD+ helps Pustet achieve their goals

Pustet is one of the largest printing houses in Southern Germany. Its printing processes and book binding machines run on compressed air. The new GA37 VSD+, seamlessly integrated in a complete Atlas Copco air net, delivers the absolute quality Pustet requires while generating significant cost savings.

Automotive industry

Automotive industry

Automotive supplier "Matrival" needs it all: reliability, a small fooprint, energy efficiency, sustainability and a partner who can take responsibility of the entire compressed air system. We were able to deliver on all compressed air fronts with the new GA55 VSD+. Providing a compressed air system perfect for the automotive industry.

Solar Panel industry

Solar Panel industry

Solar panel company Soltech took advantage of the vertical design of the Atlas Copco VSD+, replacing its existing 11 kW compressor with a more compact, more powerful 7kW GA VSD+.

Wood industry

Wood industry

Window frame manufacturer Raamexpress maintains its competitive advantage through energy saving investments. The Atlas Copco GA VSD+ offers the most efficient solution for Raamexpress’ fluctuating air demand.

Metal processing Industry

Metal processing Industry

Limeparts is a metal processing company specialized in industrial and architectural applications. From painting to packing, Limeparts relies heavily on compressed air. Downtime is not an option. The GA VSD+ offers the reliability Limeparts needs, and then some.
