
The Use of oil-free air compressors in electronics Industry

>Minimize downtime >Optimize your production processes >Certified oil-free solutions >Ensure you have the best technology for your applications.

September 20, 2023

Use oil-free air compressors to produce electronics

oil-free air compressors
The electronics production process requires high accuracy and extreme care, so that it comes out free of any problems or errors, especially oil pollution, the consequences of which are very serious; therefore, the use of oil-free air compressors in the production of electronics is imperative and vital; an industrial process with excellent results.

Oil-free air compressors avoid any harmful mistakes in the industry

Atlas Copco Egypt's oil-free air compressors are highly efficient in producing compressed air used to blow dust and remove impurities from the surface of electronic devices and parts that require extreme care when manufacturing to avoid any errors. The oil-free air compressors provide uninterrupted control systems and maintenance in the excellent cleaning conditions necessary to obtain high quality products in the electronics production sector.

The best maintenance experts in the world in the field of oil-free air compressors

Atlas Copco Compressor Technique service technician in the field.

The company not only gives the customer a good product, but provides him with maintenance by a group of the best technical experts in Egypt, and relies on its pioneering role in many new developments in the field of oil-free air technology, for more than 60 years.

Oil-free air compressors reduce operating costs and reduce overhead costs

Atlas Copco is the first manufacturer to obtain ISO 8573-1 Class 0 certification for the year (2010), and throughout its path it is committed to sustainable productivity, clean air and waste reduction compared to oil lubricated compressors. Atlas Copco's oil-free air compressors are compatible with the different needs of customers, contributing to lower operating costs as much as possible and lower energy costs.

The Use of oil-free air compressors in electronics Industry

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