
Benefits of on-site nitrogen generation

Gas shortages, delays, and price increases have become a regular occurrence over the last few years and in many cases, alternatives can be tough to find. On-site nitrogen generation may be an alternative for your nitrogen supply, however Nitrogen generation works as an efficient and easy solution for ensuring that your supply is continuous, no matter your industry.


Why Should You Consider On-Site Nitrogen Generation?

  • The All-Around Reductions – There is less need for storage space, less downtime, reduced labor costs, fewer safety risks, and reduced waste. This can all be realized by simply producing your own N2 on-site.
  • It’s Safer – The traditional, large nitrogen tanks pose a safety hazard. If the valve separates, it becomes an enormously heavy projectile that can cause significant damage. On-site nitrogen generation is completed with a stationary holding tank, that greatly reduces that safety risk
  • The Purity Factor – Normal, tanked nitrogen is 99.9 percent pure, but not all applications require that level. If yours doesn’t, you’re likely paying too much for it. The nitrogen you generate in-house is exactly the same purity level at a similar purity level without the same cost.
  • Environmental Friendliness – When you produce your own N2, there are benefits to the environment at the same time. There is a decrease in CO2 emissions for example, since you won’t need tanker deliveries. There is also no burned energy in the conversion of nitrogen gas to liquid.
  • Additional Savings – Nitrogen cylinders traditionally come with a high rental fee. The unused nitrogen inside the tanks, hazardous material fees, delivery charges, and exorbitant gas prices all add up to money out of your pocket. All of this can be remedied with on-site nitrogen generation.

What are the applications of on-site nitrogen generation?

Nitrogen is essential and in constant demand in many industries and manufacturing plants across the world. In the chemical industry, Nitrogen is used to produce fertilizers, nitric acid, nylon, dyes, and other products that can benefit from its unreactive properties.

We use Nitrogen in the food industry to preserve foods whose ingredients don’t include preservatives. It can help to extend foods and beverages past their regular expiration dates.

Using Nitrogen can allow you to store bulk foods for more extended periods. It is used in the wine industry to keep wine fresh longer. It can also be used to freeze certain foods quickly. This helps in prolonging the flavor, texture, color, and moisture in those products.


  • Reliability

A nitrogen generator on-premises ensures that your facility has a supply of Nitrogen anytime you need it. No more waiting for a shipment from someone else. No worries about price fluctuations from suppliers. You are in control of everything, from how much you produce and how much pressure to the degree of purity of your Nitrogen. It’s all up to you. You can generate as much or as little as you need.

  • Safer for your employees

Your company can avoid the hazards that could arise from your employees handling high-pressure canisters. Injuries and explosions are in the past since nitrogen generators stabilize the gas, making them a safer option.

  • Better for the enviroment 

Producing your own Nitrogen requires less energy than having it produced elsewhere and delivered to your facility. You don’t have to return bottles that can’t be completely emptied and won’t incur waste related to boil-off losses, which means fewer wasted resources. This all adds up to a significant reduction in your carbon footprint.

Nitrogen plays a big role in various industrial applications. This e-book on nitrogen generation will help you understand the growing trend of on-site nitrogen generation and how this will benefit your business. 


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Benefits of on-site nitrogen generation

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