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Why compressed air dryers are important for manufacturers in Egypt?

Egypt has extreme heat during summer months with high humidity in the coastal areas reaching up to 85% -  generally speaking, atmospheric air contains more water vapor at high temperatures and less at lower temperatures. This has a significant effect on the water concentration when the air is compressed. Problems and disturbances, such as pipe corrosion, can occur due to water precipitation in the pipes and connected equipment. To avoid this, the compressed air must be dried.

air dryers

Moisture creation in a compressor is unavoidable, but if properly treated, it will prevent damage to pneumatic machinery, air motors, valves and any other components, as well as avoid possible contamination of the end products. In order to avoid unnecessary maintenance repairs and potential production shutdown, it is recommended to be proactive and properly implement the necessary steps to keep the compressed air dry, clean and suitable for your operations. Read more on the importance of dryers in compressing air.

How moist air could harm your air system & end product?

Compressed air pipe damage

Pipe damage due to exessive water content

1.   Causing rusting and wear of the interior part of the compressed air piping which leads to holes and accordingly air leakages which leads to pressure drop and accordingly loss of energy and Money!
2.   Can adversely affect the color, adherence, and finish of paint applied by compressed air
3.   Can jeopardize process industries where many operations are dependent upon the proper functioning of pneumatic controls. The malfunctioning of these controls due to rust, scale, and clogged orifices can result in damage to product or in costly shutdowns 4.   Can freeze in control lines in cold weather, which may cause faulty operation of controls
5.   Causes corrosion of air or gas operated instruments, giving false readings, interrupting or shutting down plant processes.
6.   Finally if the air is in contact with your End Product can leads to Rejection of your product and affects your profitability. That’s why, to avoid disturbances and disruptions due to water and humidity in the pipes, compressed air must be dried with after-coolers and drying equipment.

How to select the right compressed air dryer in Egypt?

Before looking at the several types of dryers available, you need to look at what to consider in deciding which dryer is best for the specific requirements and suits the environment in Egypt.

  • Know the Specific Uses of the Compressed Air, the required Air quality and the maximum allowable water content according to ISO 8573-1:2010 Edition. 
  • Know the maximum ambient temperature that the air dryer will operate at, however Atlas Copco have all the kinds of air dryers technologies to achieve any required air quality at any working ambient temperature. 
  • Know the minimum working inlet pressure to the air dryer as the pressure goes down the volume increases and the same affects the air dryer performance. 
  • Know the lowest temperature that the compressed air pipe will pass through. 
  • If you have multiple compressors always better to go for separate dedicated dryer for each compressor (number of dryers to match the air compressors number).

What are the compressed air dryer types?

Selecting the proper dryer to treat wet compressed air in Egypt depends on the specific requirements and moisture tolerance levels of the machines that utilize compressed air. 

Most industrial and manufacturing facilities can achieve such requirements with a refrigerated air dryer, while spray paint operations, laboratories and certain printing and pneumatic tool users require a desiccant dryer to supply critically dry air.

There are a number of ways to dry compressed air, most of them are listed below. For more on how to choose the right dryer for your application

Air dryers different working principles

an illustration about air treatment for the atlas copco wiki pages

Drying Compressed Air: The Aftercooler

13 November, 2022

Learn more about the different ways we can treat compressed air and the different tools that are used in these processes. Here we talk about drying compressed air and aftercoolers.

Which air dryer suits my application?

Refrigerated air dryers

If your application is one from the illusterated below with photos- then  Our Refrigerated dryers is the best choice for you.

The air that leaves a compressor reaches 100% humidity. Aftercoolers and drains are the first line of defense against water in your system. Our Refrigerated dryers eliminate the residual humidity to achieve absolutely dry air for applications that require advanced air quality

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Spray Painting
Spray Painting
Spray Painting
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Car Mechanics

Which applications need desiccant air dryer?

Dry and clean compressed air, produced reliably and efficiently, is essential for a broad range of industrial applications. 

A dry compressed air system is essential to maintain the reliability of production processes and the quality of end products. Untreated air can cause corrosion in pipe work, premature failure of pneumatic equipment, and product spoilage. Atlas Copco's desiccant dryers protect your systems and processes by producing superior dry compressed air in a reliable and energy-efficient way. 

Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage

Refrigerant vs desiccant air dryers

What is the difference between a refrigerated dryer and desiccant dryer?

The biggest deciding factor when it comes to compressed air dryers is the need or desired dew point. As previously learned, refrigerated air dryers are capable of providing dew point of 3-5 °Celsius (37-41 °Fahrenheit), which is sufficient for most applications. However, if a process requires compressed air of higher quality, a desiccant dryer would need to be introduced into the system. Regenerative desiccant dryers are capable of achieving up to -70 °C (-100 °F) as standard, providing your compressed air system with clean and dry air. Unlike refrigerated air dryers, regenerative desiccant dryers utilize desiccant beads that adsorb the water vapors out of the compressed air. During the adsorption process, water vapors adhere to the desiccant bead without changing the composition of the desiccant. Once the desiccant beads get saturated with moisture, a process of regeneration occurs via dry purge air, heat or combination of both application to dry the wet desiccant. This type of a desiccant dryer typically uses a twin tower construction design, in which one tower dries the wet air, while the other tower regenerates and purges the moisture out of the desiccant beads.

download compressed air drying whitepaper

Read more about the importance of air dryer service for manufacturers in Egypt
Read more about the importance of air dryer service for manufacturers in Egypt
Air dryer Maintenance always matters! The most important activity which is recommended during any season is to keep your air dryer in good performance & well maintained every 4000 hours or 6 months whichsoever comes first
Air dryer Maintenance always matters! The most important activity which is recommended during any season is to keep your air dryer in good performance & well maintained every 4000 hours or 6 months whichsoever comes first

Air dryers

Why compressed air dryers are important for manufacturers in Egypt?

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