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Ensuring kosher and halal certified filtration with Atlas Copco process filters

Kosher and Halal Process Filtration: Preventing Cross-Contamination in Food and Pharmaceuticals

When producing food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals for Muslim and Jewish populations, you'll need to use kosher and halal certified filtration methods. This applies to both animal and vegetable derived products.


Since process filtration is used at various stages throughout production, you want to avoid ingredient cross-contamination. In addition, it's important to ensure proper equipment usage and cleanliness.


In this article, we'll cover what kosher and halal certified means and how filtration plays a role. You'll also learn about relevant filtration products from Atlas Copco. Read on to get started.

Kosher and Halal certification guidelines

Both kosher and halal certification guidelines state no pork of any form is allowed. In addition, there are regulations around how animals are slaughtered. This is relevant if you're using meat ingredients.


To achieve kosher and halal certification, you'll want separate equipment, including filters, from non-kosher/halal manufacturing. By doing so, you’ll ensure no forbidden ingredient comes into contact throughout production.


Kosher & Pareve

In addition to pork, kosher certification states that products can't contain pork, shells, amphibians, or insects. Additionally, if you're making wine, a rabbi must supervise the process. With this, only kosher ingredients can be used, including yeast and fining agents.

Regardless of what you're making, your facility needs to be inspected by a Jewish kohen or priest. Again, this is to ensure that none of the listed ingredients touches anything involved in kosher product manufacturing.

With this, if you're producing vegetarian pareve certified items, you'll want separate equipment. This is to guarantee that pareve products don't contain any amount of dairy or meat.


When discussing halal, it's important to keep in mind that halal is simply the word for permissible, while haram means forbidden. With pork already mentioned as haram, animals slaughtered after death, and blood are also not allowed. Also, consumable alcohol (ethanol) is prohibited. Certain beers, on the other hand, may be halal.

Similar kosher regulations apply to halal certified products. Halal production needs to be isolated from non-halal manufacturing. This applies to both equipment and storage. Starting and operating materials need to be halal and are not allowed to encounter haram impurities.

Also, like kosher, a third-party need to inspect that halal guidelines are followed. You'll need a halal-compliant quality management system checked and approved by religious authorities at the production site.

Why certification matters

In addition to producing items for billions of Muslims and Jewish people worldwide, you'll attract health-conscious consumers. This particularly applies to kosher products as they meet many dietary requirements. As an example, numerous vegans look for pareve items, as they believe these products to be healthy.

Picture of kosher and halal logos one next to each other in black and white

Kosher and halal certified filtration considerations

As you can see, when preparing kosher and halal certified products, it's important to exercise care and consideration. Like pointed out above, this applies to filtration. For example, membrane filters for kosher pareve certification need to be inspected by a rabbi. This ensures Kashrut Laws, which is the Jewish Dietary Law, is followed.

There's also Islamic Dietary Law to follow, requiring similar inspection by related governing organizations. When producing halal food or pharmaceuticals, process filters need to be regularly audited by religious authorities. This is part of the quality management system, mentioned above. With this, a traceability system is established to ensure the filters conform to halal standards.

With Atlas Copco, you'll find kosher and halal approved filters. We're committed to achieving and maintaining these certifications. If you'd like more information about what was discussed in this article, feel free to reach out. Our team is happy to help. 


Process Filters