
Atlas Copco compressor and pipework boosts turnaround at Brinkley-Propeller

Equipping its new purpose-built maintenance and repair facility with an energy-efficient Atlas Copco GX11 FF industrial compressor and a complete AIRnet modular pipework system, supplied and fitted by premier distributor Anglian Compressors, has enabled Brinkley-Propeller to fulfil its drive toward fast turnaround of high quality work at competitive prices.

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Propellers made at Brinkley-Propeller with the help of Atlas Copco GX11 compressor with dryer

A combined investment in facility infrastructure and its 24-strong team’s productivity has earned the company a world-wide reputation for offering exceptional levels of customer service. Operating from a state-of-the-art 14,250 sq. ft. premises in Stanton Business Park, Biggleswade, Brinkley-Propeller recently expanded both its site and capabilities; by adding aircraft landing gear brakes and wheels service, as well as an approved NTD (non-destructive testing) division that supports aviation, motorsport, marine, and space and satellite industry organisations.

Application story in aerospace industry at Brinkley Propeller for GX11 FF and airnet pipework

As a rapidly expanding servicing organisation we needed a reliable compressed air system that would give us flexibility for future growth; as we are looking to extend our customer base further into Europe, the Middle East and certain developing countries. Cost and downtime are key issues for customers. Our facilities have been purposely designed to enable us to work efficiently and deliver turnaround schedules that are consistently on time and in-budget.

Darren Carter , Director - Brinkley-Propeller

Carter continued:

Our old compressed air system with galvanised pipework lacked reliability and we were experiencing pressure drops affecting our output, so improved air flow was a priority. We looked at a number of suppliers’ offerings and decided that the solution proposed by Atlas Copco’s distributor, Anglian Compressors in Peterborough, met all our needs.

Darren Carter , Director - Brinkley-Propeller
Anglian supplied and installed an energy-efficient Atlas Copco GX11 full feature, rotary screw compressor, with integrated dryer, to provide an essential 7.5 bar quality air supply for the company’s air tools, component pressure testing and spray finishing operations. Compressed air is delivered to point of use via a complete new AIRnet ring main with multiple short drops to individual work stations. AIRnet is a fast, easy and reliable modular piping system, designed for compressed air, vacuum, and other inert gas applications from the source to the point of use. Low friction internal bore and seamless connections minimise pressure drop thus effectively reducing the cost of ownership of a piping system. Since Brinkley-Propeller’s high-end, important clients visit the premises in the course of operations, the visual appeal of the pipework and fittings was an added bonus to the system’s design flexibility and potential for energy savings.

As cost efficiency is always at the forefront of our decision making, we felt the investment in this system produced the right solution. The brand has a reputation for quality and reliability and that was important to our long term plan.

Darren Carter , Director - Brinkley-Propeller

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Application story in aerospace industry at Brinkley Propeller for GX11 FF and airnet pipework

GX Aerospace Compressor Technique Distributors Airnet Rotary screw oil-injected Application story 2018 United Kingdom

Editor's Notes: Anglian Compressors is a premier distributor of Atlas Copco since 1977. Anglian Compressors has the resources to offer each and every customer the very best technological advances in compressors and equipment backed with a service and after-sales department to ensure total peace of mind with every product they supply. Anglian Compressors are also able to deliver the latest innovation in design and installation to ensure your requirements are met both now and in the future. Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of sustainable productivity solutions. The Group serves customers with innovative compressors, vacuum solutions and air treatment systems, construction and mining equipment, power tools and assembly systems. Atlas Copco develops products and services focused on productivity, energy efficiency, safety and ergonomics. The company was founded in 1873, is based in Stockholm, Sweden, and has a global reach spanning more than 180 countries. In 2017, Atlas Copco had revenues of BSEK 116 (BEUR 12) and about 47 000 employees.