
E-AIR H250 VSD – Our Portable Electric Compressor On The Fields

November 7, 2021

One of our long-term customers preferred using Atlas Copco Portable Diesel Compressors in their projects for many years. Changing the mindset of customers is not an easy task, but with a solid and comprehensive analysis, we finally succeeded, and the customer decided to give E-Air H250 VSD a try and are now using speed electric mobile compressor H250 VSD in their new project. 

As you may already know, mobile compressors operate in different operating conditions than Industrial applications. This difference means that the portable compressors run at either idle or half load for most of their operating hours. For this reason, our VSD series engines can adapt to the needs of use with its variable speed and always provide energy savings to our customers. With the principle of "work as long as you use", our electric motor portable compressors are now at your service in the field.

E-Air VSD range of electric compressors with variable speed drive technology

We would like to share the story of our first product with you. We met with our respected and well-known customer, with whom we have been collaborating for many years in domestic and international projects, to discuss the compressor need for use in both Turkey and Europe projects. In our first meetings, all discussions were related to our traditional diesel compressors. However, when we discussed detailed requirements of the customer, we realized that we have a better solution that fits the project requirements. Our aim would be to have a comprehensive study and convey findings to end customer.


We were talking about a compressor that would run at least 8 hours a day throughout the entire project. Since it is an urban project, there are rules that must be followed and limits that should not be exceeded, even in Turkey or in any country in Europe. Such as exhaust gas and noise level. Since the project also included tunnel construction, they would have to choose two different products as diesel for above ground and fixed speed mobile electric compressor for underground. This meant purchasing one product for the first phase of the same business and another for the continuation. In addition, since Turkey has not yet fully transitioned to Stage 5 products, it was expected that the diesel product they would choose would comply with the regulations according to the place of use. They could not use the stage 5 product that they would use in Europe for their projects in Turkey under today's conditions. Again, it meant two different products instead of one product.


In each country, there is a difference of at least 50% between the liter price of diesel fuel and the electricity kWh prices. When we calculate for Turkey, the diesel fuel liter price for that day was 0.72 €, while the kWh fee was 0.09 € including taxes.

OPEX calculator
Electric mobile compressor with Variable Speed Drive
In the light of these data, for 2000 hours of use per year in a 3-year project, we calculated the savings per compressor for them. It was just what they would gain as they ran the compressor. In addition, they would be able to use the same E-Air H250 VSD compressor, even in Turkey or low-regulated any countries, without the need for any revision. The energy savings they will provide will reach almost 51% and this will be valid regardless of the country. In addition, our electric compressors are powered by a permanent magnet motor, the most efficient motor type on the market. Combined with the Atlas Copco screw element we developed in-house, the energy efficiency of the E-Air is unrivaled. It also means longer service maintenance periods. There is no need for another compressor for underground applications. It was possible to work in all phases of the project with a single compressor. Since our H250 VSD model also has the PACE feature, it was possible to set different pressure and air flow rates for the changing needs of different applications with a single button. Our aim was to support our customer to have the full analysis and decide on the best alternatives for their current and future projects (with the right data provided, customers can choose best solutions that fit their operations). In the right project, we can calculate how much savings our E-AIR H250 VSD model will provide for you when electrical energy is available. Think about what you can gain with the right product!