Air compressor upgrade
Compressed air is an essential component in any modern manufacturing facility, and it is often referred to as the 4th utility.
Having a reliable source of compressed air is critical. As plant efficiency and profitability take center stage many facilities have just enough compressors to meet the plant demand. Like any other plant utility, a good maintenance regime needs to be followed to maximize availability. But as the compressor units start ageing it’s important to plan for a timely replacement. Otherwise an unexpected failure could trigger production delays, leading to lost revenue and profit.
Compressors typically have an average life span of 10-15 years considering the harsh climate conditions that prevail in the Middle East. Typically, a user should start thinking of compressor replacement from the 8th year onward as the unit approaches the time for an overhaul. Ageing also impacts some of the major compressor components such as the motor, the coolers and the compressor element itself. This has a negative impact on efficiency and increases the risk of sudden failure.
Calculate how much you can save by replacing a new compressor with our Payback Estimator
Repair or Replace?
Compressed air system audit gives you an answer
Our compressed air audit will present you with an insightful report that provides a good snapshot of the state of your compressed air system. Our specialists will visit your compressor room and utilize data loggers to measure your system and gather the needed information. Data loggers will be attached to the air compressor for a minimum of 7-14 days in order to observe and record all trends and demand fluctuation during the weekdays as well as the weekend. Results of the audit will provide you with a good understanding of the actual compressed air usage over a period of time. It will allow you to identify air demand peaks and the overall consumption pattern. Our air audit will give you a better understanding of your system and its inefficiencies. And all the data and advice you need to make a decision on whether to invest in a new system or continue with maintenance of the existing system.
Atlas Copco compressors deliver on their promise
Our customers maintain a long-term working relationship with us because we give them peace of mind and do everything in our power to make sure their production processes run smoothly at all times.
We promise to continue to design products that provide tangible benefits in terms of productivity, energy efficiency and lower life cycle cost.
The new generation of GA+ and GA VSD+ range compressors is a product that represents this ethos. The GA+ and GA VSD+ range maximizes your profitability by minimizing your operational costs. This new generation of compressors can easily save 10% of your energy costs, when compared to a decade old system. And they also improve your overall system efficiency by a further 5% when compared to ageing older units.
Atlas Copco GA+ & GA VSD+ compressors are equipped with Smart Injection enabled compression elements and IE4 or better premium efficiency oil cooled motors that are designed to achieve significant energy savings while providing a long and trouble-free life span even in the harshest environmental conditions.