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Revolutionizing Plastic Processing with Advanced Chillers



In the intricate world of plastic processing, cooling is a critical yet often underestimated factor. It's not just about temperature control; it's about quality, efficiency, and ultimately, your bottom line.


This comprehensive guide will explore the indispensable role of industrial chillers in plastic processing and how Atlas Copco's chillers are setting new benchmarks in the industry.

The Importance of Cooling in Plastic Processing

Cooling is more than a stage in plastic processing; it's a linchpin that affects everything from product quality to operational efficiency.

The Role of Cooling in Plastic Processing

Cooling serves multiple essential functions in plastic processing. It solidifies the plastic into its final form, ensuring that the end product maintains its shape, strength, and appearance. Efficient cooling also speeds up cycle times, allowing for higher production rates. In processes like injection molding, cooling can account for up to 80% of the cycle time, making it a critical factor in achieving operational efficiency.

Consequences of Inadequate Cooling

Inadequate or inefficient cooling can lead to a host of problems. Physical deformities in the end product, increased cycle times, and even machinery overheating are just the tip of the iceberg. These issues can result in lower production rates, higher costs, and increased waste—factors that can severely impact your profitability.

Economic Implications

The economic ramifications of inefficient cooling are extensive. Higher energy consumption, increased waste due to defective products, and longer cycle times all contribute to elevated operational costs. In a competitive market, these costs can be the difference between profit and loss. Efficient cooling is not just an operational necessity; it's an economic imperative.

Download Guide To Select The Right Industrial Chiller

The Atlas Copco Advantage

Atlas Copco's industrial chillers offer a unique blend of efficiency, reliability, and customization that sets them apart from the competition.

Energy Efficiency

Atlas Copco's chillers are designed with energy efficiency at their core. Advanced technologies like variable speed drives and smart user-friendly controllers like Elektronikon ensures that our industrial chillers consume less energy. This not only reduces your carbon footprint but also translates to significant savings on your energy bills, sometimes up to 30-40%.


Built with high-quality components and backed by rigorous testing, Atlas Copco chillers offer unparalleled reliability. Our industrial chillers are designed to operate consistently under varying conditions, ensuring that your plastic processing operation never misses a beat. With features like plug & play, corrosion-resistant materials and advanced control systems, our chillers are built to last, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Customization Options

Every plastic processing operation is unique, and Atlas Copco understands this. That's why we offer a wide range of customization options. Whether you need a chiller with a specific cooling technology, capacity, size, or advanced features like remote monitoring and control, we've got you covered. Our team of engineers can even design custom solutions tailored to your specific operational needs.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Energy Consumption

Energy consumption is a critical KPI for chillers. Lower energy consumption translates to lower operational costs. Atlas Copco's chillers excel in this area, offering energy-efficient solutions that don't compromise on performance. Our chillers can reduce your energy costs by up to 40%, providing a quick return on investment.

Cooling Capacity

Cooling capacity is another crucial KPI. It measures how effectively a chiller can reduce the temperature of a fluid within a given time. Atlas Copco's chillers offer high cooling capacities, ensuring that your plastic processing operation remains efficient and productive. Our large portfolio on chillers can handle a wide range of cooling capacities, making them suitable for both small-scale and large-scale operations.

Maintenance Costs

Low maintenance costs are a hallmark of a well-designed, reliable chiller. Atlas Copco's industrial chillers are engineered for durability and ease of maintenance, translating to lower long-term costs for your operation. Features like, all-in-one installation, state of art microchannel condensers and fully hermetic scroll compressors reduce the total cost of ownership with lesser maintenance needed.

To understand how industrial chillers work and the flow of chillers, click here!

The Future of Cooling Technology

Cooling technology is not static; it's evolving, and Atlas Copco is at the forefront of this innovation.

IoT and Smart Monitoring

The integration of IoT and smart monitoring technologies allows for real-time performance tracking and predictive maintenance. These features not only enhance efficiency but also preempt potential issues, reducing downtime. With Atlas Copco's chillers, you're not just buying a machine; you're investing in a smart, self-optimizing system.

Sustainability Initiatives

As part of our commitment to sustainability, Atlas Copco is continually innovating to create more eco-friendly cooling solutions. Our chillers are designed to minimize environmental impact without sacrificing performance. Features like refrigerant management systems and energy recovery options make our chillers some of the most sustainable options on the market.

Leading in Innovations

Atlas Copco is not just keeping up with the latest trends in cooling technology; we're setting them. Our focus on research and development positions us as leaders in the future of efficient, sustainable cooling solutions.


Cooling is a critical, yet often overlooked, aspect of plastic processing. Atlas Copco's industrial chillers offer a unique blend of energy efficiency, reliability, and customization, setting a new standard in the industry. As we look to the future, Atlas Copco is committed to leading the way in innovative, sustainable cooling solutions. Make the smart choice for your operation; choose Atlas Copco.

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Industrial Cooling