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Industrial Air Compressor Installation: 5 Most Important Factors to Consider

Air compressor are essential tools for several industrial facilities. 

Over the years, the installation process of an industrial air compressor has come a long way. However, it still requires careful consideration of certain factors to ensure optimal functioning, performance and safety. 

This blog will discuss the five most important factors to consider when installing an industrial air compressor, from choosing the right location and proper ventilation to ensuring proper electricals, air storage, and piping. 

Whether buying and installing an air compressor for the first time or upgrading an existing one, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

Buying An Air Compressors Now VS. Then


Back then, purchasing industrial air compressor was quite a hassle. Customers had to separately buy the components of an industrial air compressor, such as an electric motor, starter equipment, after-cooler, intake filters, etc., from various component suppliers while also dealing with the fluctuating demand and supply of the components. Moreover, the limited number of industrial air compressor models and the time-consuming method of researching and comparing them made the overall process even more challenging. Nowadays, buying an air compressor for industrial usage has become more convenient and efficient. Most companies, including Atlas Copco, provide industrial air compressors and all their components as a fully-integrated package. Customers can also research and compare different air compressor online. This allows for a more comprehensive selection of options and access to more detailed information and specifications. Another way of buying air compressors is through rental, which is becoming popular recently as it saves cost and maintenance.

Installing An Air Compressor Now VS. Then

Just like buying an air compressor has revolutionized, installing an air compressor has also become easier. Earlier, customers used to call different people to install various air compressor components.  

Nowadays, the installation process for industrial air compressors has become more streamlined and efficient. Many air compressor manufacturers provide technical support to customers who prefer to install the equipment themselves. Some also offer remote installation services, which allow customers to have the equipment installed remotely by a team of technicians. This process can include virtual walkthroughs, remote troubleshooting and diagnostics, and remote commissioning of the equipment. 

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Air Compressor Installation: 5 Most Important Factors To Consider


The most crucial factor is the location. The location must be large enough to accommodate the air compressor so that its installation and maintenance are done correctly. Also, ensure that the location isn’t directly exposed to sunlight, rain, or flammable chemicals such as ammonia, chlorine, salt spray, etc. Direct contact with these chemicals can lead to the corrosion of the internal parts, contamination of the oil and congestion in the filters. 


The next important factor to consider is ventilation. The air compression process involves massive heat, which needs to be cool down naturally or artificially, and that’s where ventilation comes in. It can be done in three simple ways. 

One, if the atmosphere around the air compressor doesn’t exceed 41˚F, natural ventilation is sufficient. Should this be centigrade as we don’t see such low temperatures in the region?

Two, if the temperature around the air compressor surpasses 41˚F, install an exhaust fan to force the hot air out of the room. 

Three, if the air compressor is installed in a bounded area, ensure a duct is nearby to take all the hot air exhaust inside and pass it through to an open space to avoid recirculation.  

Electrical Supply

The voltage capacity by electrical wires must match the voltage power of your air compressor. You can check the voltage capacity by checking the compressor nameplate, which is placed inside the electrical cabinet. 

You can control the excessive or insufficient voltage issue in two ways. One, you can use a symmetrical, three-phase supply which ensures that the phase angles and voltage angles remain the same. Two, you can install a circuit breaker between the electrical supply and air compressor to control the unexpected overloaded current created from the voltage fluctuations. 

Air Receiver Tank

The air receiver tank is an essential part of the air compressor. From acting as temporary storage for compressed air to removing water from the system by allowing the air to cool, an air receiver tank performs different tasks. 

The size and capacity of an air receiver tank primarily contribute to carrying out heavy-duty industrial applications. That’s why it’s important to think about it before acquiring and installing an air compressor


The last factor to consider before installing an industrial air compressor is the pipes. After all, they are the ones who carry compressed air all the way to the end-use application. 

The first thing to consider about the pipes is their size. You need to ensure that the pipe diameter is the same, if not larger, than the air compressor discharge outlet so that the flow, pressure and quality of the air aren’t compromised. 

The second thing to keep in mind is the material and size of the pipe. Make sure the pipelines’ quality is top-notch, or it can result in flow restrictions and significant pressure drops. 

The third thing to take care of is the placement and angle of the pipelines. The compressor discharge outlet must be placed on top of the main header pipe so that condensed water isn’t entered back in when the compressor isn’t functioning. You must ensure that the air inlet to the receiver is positioned at the bottom and the outlet from the receiver is placed on the top to avoid moisture-free gas entering the dryer or customer equipment.


So, these are all the important factors you need to consider before installing an air compressor. The proper installation of an air compressor can spare you the hassle of dealing with inefficient functioning, costs, and a low lifecycle.  

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Air compressors