
You set the PACE

PACE is an electronic regulation system that allows you to set the pressure on the Atlas Copco Rental compressor. This means you can use just a single compressor instead of three which, in turn, reduces operating costs and increases efficiency.

What’s the PACE?

A compressor with PACE technology (Pressure Adjusted thru Cognitive Electronics) allows you to define the pressure while the machine regulates the flow. One machine can handle the job of three fixed-pressure machines. Using the compressor to operate handheld tools? Then set the machine to 7 bar. Tackling a shotcrete application an hour later? Just switch to 12 bar, connect your tool and go. The system allows you to select any pressure level within the pressure band of the compressor, adjustable with increments of 0,1 bar. You pick the pressure, and your application’s needs dictate the flow.

Even when you only temporarily rely on an Atlas Copco Rental compressor with PACE technology, it will increase your efficiency and decrease your operational footprint as much as possible. PACE technology is available on our E-Air compressors equipped with VSD motors and diesel-driven medium pressure compressors like the XAHS 408.

Want to learn more about how our mobile compressors equipped with PACE? Contact your local Atlas Copco Rental representative!

You set the PACE

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