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ToolsControl - Your path to profitability, flexibility, and sustainability in tightening operations

5 минута(и) за четене Септември 13, 2023

ToolsControl is a server-based portal solution that enables a manufacturing production environment where the tightening tool controller exists outside a dedicated software. With the controller software running on a single computer or server platform, ToolsControl is a solution packed with innovative features that save time, money, and our environment.

In the quest for ever more profitable, flexible, and reliable production processes, manufacturers look to optimize the repetitive operations where more efficient and innovative solutions quickly can make a big difference.

Tightening is such an operation. Tightening is a highly repetitive task that occurs throughout many steps in industrial manufacturing. It also plays a decisive role in the quality and structural integrity of the final product. To improve profitability by driving flexibility and maximizing uptime, it makes sense to achieve just that in the tightening process. To improve the ability to quickly adapt to changes and unforeseen occurrences and avoid costly downtime.

But the tightening tool controller represents a challenge. Every time a tool or controller malfunctions or a new tool needs to be added, the controller software needs to be configurated and set up. ToolsControl by Atlas Copco offers features that enable a manufacturing production environment where the tightening tool controller software exists outside a dedicated hardware. The centralized and automated administration of the controller software reduces the time to install tightening tool controllers from a matter of minutes to just seconds.

Technical features

  • ToolsControl constantly monitors the status of each individual virtual controller. If an error is detected, the Self-Healing function is activated, addressing, and solving the problem within seconds. The process is fully autonomous with no operator involvement, all while production continues uninterrupted within the tact time.
  • When ToolsControl recognizes a problem with the controllers it identifies the specific malfunctioning hardware component and moves all controllers to the components that are still available and running in the system. The controllers are thereafter reinitiated, reconnected to the tools and brought back on-line. This automatic Failover feature is initiated within 8 seconds, a process that otherwise can take up to 30 minutes. A time difference that represents valuable additional uptime.
  • When a tightening tool malfunctions, it needs to be replaced with a backup. But disconnecting the faulty tool, setting up and installing the new tool and activating all the software is a very operator-intensive and time-consuming process. The ToolSwap software function in ToolsControl does all this with only a few clicks. The replacement tool is selected and after confirmation the rest is completely automated. Within seconds the back-up tool is activated and up and running.
  • Representing perhaps the greatest innovation in ToolsControl and the enabler of the Self-Healing, Failover and ToolSwap features is Single IP. Instead of assigning a different controller IP address to each individual tool, this Atlas Copco patented solution assigns the same IP address to every tool in use but also the back-up tools and accessories. The result is an immensely simplified communication with all tools, controllers, and controller software along an assembly line.
  • With multiple tightening tools installed in a production line it is not always easy to find a specific tool. The intuitive Find My Tool feature in ToolsControl enables just that. It helps find a needle in a haystack by making it easier to identify and “mark” a specific tool among a multitude of tools.

Sustainable value

ToolsControl helps prevent unwanted interruptions in production linked to the tightening process. In doing so operational bottlenecks and costly downtime is avoided which cost time and resources. An uninterrupted production line is always the most resource efficient. In addition, by reducing the number of physical controllers in the line, ToolsControl not only saves floor space but also the materials and resources used for the manufacturing of the physical controllers.

Learn more about ToolsControl and the measurable advantages it offers in terms of improved profitability, flexibility, uptime, and sustainability.

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