Parcool EG

Engine coolant

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For any extreme weather, Atlas Copco Parts & Service


Best engine protection

Assured quality and reliability

Extended lifetime

Atlas Copco’s Parcool EG extended life coolant is designed to meet the needs of modern engines. Parcool EG can help prevent leaks caused by corrosion. Parcool EG is also fully compatible with all sealants and gasket types developed to join different materials used within an engine.


  Unit Value
Density at 20°C kg/dm³ 1.12
Boiling point °C 169
Ethylene Glycol % min   93
Freezing point °C -40


  Part number
5l 1.32 US gal 1604 5308 01
20l 5.28 US gal 1604 5307 02     
210l 55.48 US gal 1604 5306 01