
Upstream: Onshore industry drilling

Our extensive range of rental packages is designed to meet the diverse needs of the drilling industry.

This includes high pressure oil injected compressors for the most demanding drilling applications, as well as portable 100% oil free compressors for all pressure levels.

Atlas Copco Rental solutions for the Upstream sector

For the Oil & Gas Upstream segment we have expanded our capabilities significantly over the years. With this video we will review the different solutions we can offer by following the value chain of the Upstream sector.

Our engineers assist you in designing the right complete set-up for your operations.

Our rental team guarantees fast and flexible delivery times 24/7 to keep your onshore construction operations running.

Drilling technologies

  • Exploration drilling 
  • Coal bed methane drilling 
  • Blasthole drilling 
  • Waterwell drilling 
  • Underbalanced drilling 
  • Geothermal drilling: Compressed air drives the hammer, overcomes static water backpressure, cleans the hole bottom and flushes the rock cuttings surface. 

Our temporary air and power solutions help you minimize downtime and maximize production with high quality cost-effective equipment delivered fast.

Upstream: Onshore industry drilling

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