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What are the differences between current control tool and transducerized tool?

Why is it important to have a smart electric screwdriver

Floating screw
The clutch tool will let a floating screw pass.... Many errors can go undetected when using clutch tools. As long as the final torque is reached, the tool will mechanically shut off, even if, for instance, the tightening results in a floating screw, and your product will leave the assembly line with a defect in the end.
Clamp force
But MicroTorque smart electric screwdriver will instead detect and even eliminate all these tightening errors with our unique and advanced tightening strategies. They help to validate the tightening and ensure enough clamping force on the screw. This fulfills all the high quality demands in manufacturing process.

What is a current controlled smart electric screwdriver?

ETD MT current controlled
The desired target torque can be set in the controller which will adjust the current level supplied to the smart electric screwdriver and automatically reach the defined goals and parameters, based on calculations from parameters such as friction and heat.

Strengths of current controlled MicroTorque smart screwdrivers (ETD M ABL & QMC):

ETD M ABL MicroTorque
- High torque accuracy - Integrated spring system & smart speed configuration to avoid overshoot - Smart tightening strategies to remove floating screws (SCS & TSM)

What is a transducerized smart electric screwdriver?

ETD MT transducerized
A transducerized smart screwdriver is the most intelligent tool in the market. It has a transducer inside the tool helping to precisely measure the real calibrated torque applied at each joint and every tightening. There is a feedback loop between the built-in transducer & the controller. The real torque values will always be sent back to the controller from the tool. The highly reliable torque data collected from transducerized smart screwdriver will further enhance the detection & traceability of tightening errors, giving visibility and facilitating production optimization.

Strengths of transducerized MicroTorque smart screwdrivers (ETD MT & QMT):

- Superior torque accuracy - Precisely detect overshoot - Always measure the true torque applied - Very reliable for process statistics - Smart tightening strategies to remove floating screws (SCS & TSM)
Explore our MicroTorque smart screwdrivers
Explore our MicroTorque smart screwdrivers
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What are the differences between current control tool and transducerized tool?

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