Discover all the features of our high pressure boosters
Compact high pressure boosters
Although high pressure boosters are often custom-designed for a specific application, Atlas Copco also offers a range of standard booster packages. The Hurricane range packs advanced safety features, intuitive controls and excellent performances in a compact package.
With rapid advancements and investments, artificial intelligence is revolutionizing assembly operations. AI is becoming a powerhouse in these operations, and it is vital for companies to embrace it, rather than fear it, to thrive in the competitive...
A mine in northern Chile has doubled its lithium extraction rate since installing Atlas Copco’s WEDA drainage pumps. Operators at the South American mine wanted to improve their lithium extraction process and turned to Atlas Copco’s distribution...
Nestled in the heart of Płock, Poland, rental company Wypożyczalnia Kontener Zbigniew Wiktorski Spółka Jawna is specializing in the distribution of shipping containers.